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Model Number: GT-DR-01
Hazard for children and a wider group of persons
z This appliance is not meant to be used by people (including children) whose physical,
sensory or mental abilities are reduced, or by people lacking experience or knowledge,
unless they have been given prior supervision or instruction concerning the use of the
appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
z Children should be supervised to prevent them from playing with the appliance.
z Keep the packaging material and any small items away from children. There is a risk of
suffocation when these objects are swallowed. Prevent children from wearing plastic
bags over their heads.
Hazard from electricity
z Vapour is generated by the water introduced into the tank of the appliance. Never
immerse the appliance or the power cable or plug in water or in any other liquid. There
is a risk of electrocution.
z Do not use in a swimming pool containing water.
z Always dry your hands before handling the appliance and never use in a damp environ-
ment or in an environment with considerable ambient humidity.
z Connect the appliance only to a mains socket with an earthed system, installed in full
compliance and whose mains voltage corresponds to the descriptive plaque.
z The wall socket should be well accessible in order to be able to remove the plug rapidly
in the case of an emergency. The appliance is not equipped with an on/off switch!
z Do not use the steam cleaner when:
- the appliance or the accessories are damaged,
- the power cable or plug are damaged,
- the appliance has fallen on the floor.
z Be careful not to damage the power cable by sharp edges or extremely hot objects. Do
not fold or crush the power cable.
z Do not carry or pull the steam cleaner by its cable. Do not leave the appliance
connected without supervision.
z Do not direct the steam jet at electrical appliances (televisions, ovens etc.) or at elec-
trical installations (switches, sockets, etc.).
z Remove the plug from the wall socket:
- when the appliance is not in use,
- before filling it up with water,
- before cleaning it or putting it away,
- when changing or dismantling its accessories,
- in the event of malfunction during use,
- during a storm
Always pull on the plug and not on the cable.
E44034 Steam Cleaner Aldi UK IM.book Seite 4 Montag, 4. April 2011 12:12 12

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