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Setting Up Your Computer 39
3 Click Printers and Other Hardware.
4 Click View installed printers or fax printers. If the printer model is listed, right-click the printer
5 Click Properties and click the Ports tab. Ensure that the Print to the following port(s): setting is
Power Protection Devices
Several devices are available to protect against power fluctuations and failures:
•Surge protectors
Line conditioners
Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)
Surge Protectors
Surge protectors and power strips equipped with surge protection help to prevent damage
to your computer from voltage spikes that can occur during electrical storms or following
power interruptions. The level of protection is usually commensurate with the cost of the
surge protector. Some surge protector manufacturers include warranty coverage for certain
types of damage. Carefully read the device warranty when choosing a surge protector. A
device with a higher joule rating offers more protection. Compare joule ratings to
determine the relative effectiveness of different devices.
NOTICE: Most surge protectors do not protect against power fluctuations or power
interruptions caused by nearby lightning strikes. When lightning occurs in your area, disconnect
the telephone line from the telephone wall jack and disconnect your computer from the electrical
Many surge protectors have a telephone jack for modem protection. See the surge protector
documentation for modem connection instructions.
NOTICE: Not all surge protectors offer network adapter protection. Disconnect the network
cable from the network wall jack during electrical storms.
Line Conditioners
NOTICE: Line conditioners do not protect against power interruptions.
Line conditioners are designed to maintain AC voltage at a fairly constant level.

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