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Before cleaning or maintenance, turn the appliance off by pres-
sing the button on the control panel or remote control, wait
for a few minutes then unplug from the mains socket.
You should clean the appliance with a slightly damp cloth then dry
with a dry cloth.
Never wash the air conditioner with water. It could be dange-
Never use petrol, alcohol or solvents to clean the appliance.
Never spray insecticide liquids or similar.
To keep your air conditioner working efficiently, you should:
1. Clean the silver ion filter every week of operation.
2. Replace the 3M air purifying filter at the end of each season or
when exhausted (see the instructions near the filter housing on
the appliance). The filters are housed in the intake grille. To clean
the filters, proceed as follows.
1. Remove the intake grille by rotating outwards (fig. 33).
2. Remove the 3M air purifying filter (white).
3. Remove the silver ion filter by detaching it from the grille.
Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust accumulations from the sil-
ver ion filter.
If it is very dirty, immerse in warm water and rinse a number of
The water should never be hotter than 40°C.
After washing, leave the filter to dry.
To replace, put the filters back in the intake grille then attach the
intake grille to the appliance.
Never try and wash or clean the 3M filter as this could redu-
ce its filtering capacity.When the filter is exhausted, repla-
ce it.
Make sure the power cable and plug are undamaged and the
earth system is efficient.
Follow the installation instructions precisely.
Place the appliance in STAND-BY.
To empty the internal circuit completely of water, press the MODE
and FAN buttons simultaneously for a number of seconds without
removing the tank. The water in the internal circuit will drain into
the tank or through the continuous drain hose if connected. Make
sure the other end of the hose is near a suitable drain. When com-
pletely drained, disconnect the continuous drain hose.
Clean the filters and dry thoroughly before putting them back.

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi pact 06 eco pinguino

DeLonghi pact 06 eco pinguino Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 17 pagina's

DeLonghi pact 06 eco pinguino Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 17 pagina's

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