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Read this instructions booklet carefully before
installing and using the appliance. It is the only
way to ensure the best results and maximum user
(see diagram pag. 2)
A. Inner lid
B. Basket handle with lock
C. Basket
D. Opening button
E. Signal lamp
F. Handle for lifting appliance
G. Viewing window (not for all models)
H. Filter cover
I. Cord compartment access
Before use check that the voltage power supply corre-
sponds to the one shown on the appliance data plate.
Only connect the appliance to electrical sockets
which have a minimum load of 10A and which are
properly earthed. (If the socket and the plug on the
appliance should prove incompatible, get a profes-
sionally qualified technician to replace the socket
with a more suitable one).
Do not place the appliance near heat sources.
Should it be necessary to replace the feeder cable,
make sure that it is of the H05VVF 3x1 2mm type.
The replacement cable must conform to the current
norms and be of the same diameter as the original
The appliance is hot when it is in use. DO NOT
Do not move the deep fryer when the oil is hot, as
there it could cause serious burns.
The deep fryer must only be switched on after it has
been filled with oil or fat. If it is heated up while
empty, a thermal safety device comes into operation
which stops it from working. In this case it is neces-
sary to contact our nearest authorised service centre.
If the deep fryer leaks oil, contact the technical ser-
vice centre or staff authorised by the Company.
Before using the deep fryer for the first time, wash
the bowl, the basket and the lid (removing the filters)
carefully with hot water and washing up liquid.
When this has been done, dry carefully.
It is totally normal that, on first use, the refrigerator
emits a “new appliance” smell. If this happens,
aerate the room.
The materials and objects likely to come into contact
with foodstuffs conform to EEC Directive 89/109.
Children or infirm persons should not be allowed to
use this product unsupervised
• Children should not be allowed to play with this
•Never move the appliance while the oil is still hot.
•To move the appliance, use the special lifting hand-
les (F). (Never lift by the basket handle).
Filling with oil or fat
Open the lid by pulling on the opening button (fig.
1) then take the accessories out.
Pour about 2 lt of oil, circa into pot (or 1.8 kg. fat).
Best results are obtained by using a good peanut oil.
Avoid mixing different types of oil. If you use lumps of
solid fat, cut them into small pieces so that the deep
fryer does not heat up in the first few minutes without a
covering of fat. The temperature must be set to 150°C
until the fat has melted completely. The required tempe-
rature can then be set.
Turn the appliance on by inserting the plug in the socket
and wait for the signal lamp to go off (fig. 2).
Starting to fry
As soon as the light goes off, lower the basket into
the oil.
To do this:
- Ensure that the handle lock is in the rear posi-
- Insert the basket handle (B) in the basket (fig. 3)
and lock it securely in place.
Always ensure that the handle lock is in place
when lifting the basket in or out of the oil.
- Remove the handle and close the lid.
It is normal for a notable quantity of hot vapour to
escape from the filter cover immediately following
the above mentioned process.
It is also normal for drops of condensation to fall
from the lid onto the metal or plastic sides of the
appliance while in use.
End of frying time
When the selected frying time is elapsed, rifit basket
handle (fig. 4) and check that food is golden brown as
In the models fitted with a viewing window this check
F6 14-01-2003 16:57 Pagina 4

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