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Read the following instructions carefully!
- Before use, check that the power supply corre-
sponds to the voltage shown on the serial num-
ber plate. Connect the appliance only to pro-
perly-earthed power outlet (minimum 10A).
-In case of incompatibility between the plug
and your socket, have the socket replaced by
a qualified electrician.
- The electrical safety of this appliance is only
guaranteed when it is properly earthed accor-
ding to current electrical safety regulations.
The manufacturer declines all responsibility for
any damage resulting from inadequate
earthing of the appliance. If in doubt, consult
a qualified electrician.
- Do not use the appliance without water.
- This appliance is designed to make coffee: be
careful to avoid scalding when using the water
and steam jets.
- Do not touch hot parts (steam nozzle, water,
area around the filter-holder and filter).
- Do not remove the filter-holder when the
appliance is producing steam or hot water.
- Do not leave water in the machine when the
room temperature is 0°C or below.
- After unpacking, check the appliance for
damage. If in doubt, do not use the appliance;
contact a qualified technician.
- Packaging materials (plastic bags, polystyrene
foam, etc.) are a potential source of danger,
and must be kept out of reach of children.
- This appliance is designed for domestic use
only. Any other use of the appliance is consi-
dered improper and therefore dangerous.
- The manufacturer declines all responsibility for
any damage resulting from improper, incor-
rect or careless use of the appliance.
- Do not touch the appliance with wet or damp
hands or feet.
- Do not use the appliance in bathrooms.
- Do not allow the appliance to be used by chil-
dren or irresponsible persons unless under
- Do not immerse the appliance in water.
- Before carrying out any cleaning or mainte-
nance operations, always disconnect the
appliance from the mains power supply by
removing the plug.
- In case of failure or malfunction, switch off the
appliance and do not attempt to effect repairs.
Contact an authorized Service Centre and
insist on original spare parts. Failure to obser-
ve the above points may affect the safety of
the appliance.
- Installation must be carried out according to
manufacturer’s instructions.
- The supply cable must not be replaced by the
user, as this requires the use of special tools. If
the supply cable is damaged, contact an
authorized Service Centre.
- Remove the plug from the mains socket when
the appliance is not in use. Do not leave the
appliance switched on unnecessarily. Turn off
the power switch when the appliance is not in
This appliance conforms to EEC Directive 87/308
regarding the suppression of radio disturbance.
Read this instruction booklet carefully befo-
re installing and using the machine. In this
way, you will obtain the best possible
results and maximum operating safety.
For easier and quicker preparation of your
coffee, individual pods can be used. In this
way, the quantity of coffee is always right,
and it is easier to keep the machine clean.

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