Pagina terug
Pagina verder
A Handle
B Cable wind button
C Parking position clip
D ON/OFF button
E Air outlet grill
Handgrip with remote control (certain models
F Infrared transmitter (there are two emitters,
enabling the signal to be transmitted from
all working positions)
G "Power Control" button (selects vacuum
power level)
H “StopVac” button (pauses during
I Remote control battery compartment door
J Handgrip extraction tabs
K Tool compartment
L Hose
M Telescopic or rigid extensions
N Two position carpet/floor brush
O Crevice tool
P Brush tool (if present)
Q Multipurpose nozzle for upholstered furniture
(if present)
R Shoulder strap
Control panel A (models with remote control)
S Dust bag full indicator
T Power level indicators
U Power reduction button
V Power increase button
W Infrared signal receiver
Control panel B (models with power regulation)
S Dust bag full indicator
X Power regulation knob
Read this manual carefully and keep for future
Before using the appliance, check that the
mains supply voltage corresponds to the vol-
tage indicated on the rating plate.
Connect the appliance to sockets with a mini-
mum current rating of 10 A only.
When not in use or before cleaning or main-
tenance, always unplug the appliance from
the mains socket.
Non lavare mai l’apparecchio con trielina o
altri solventi.
Never vacuum up liquids.
Never allow the appliance to be used by
persons (including children) with psycholo-
gical, physical or sensory impairments or
with insufficient knowledge, unless closely
supervised and instructed by someone
responsible for their safety. Children must
be supervised to ensure they do not play
with the appliance.
Use the appliance for domestic use only as
described in the instructions.
If the appliance appears defective, do not use.
Do not pull the power cable out beyond the
point indicated by the red mark. The yellow
mark before the red mark indicates that the
cable is about to run out.
For repairs or to buy accessories, contact an
authorised technical service centre only.
The manufacturer cannot be held responsible
for any damage caused by tampering or
improper or incorrect use of the product.
If the power cable is damaged, it must be
replaced by the manufacturer or an authori-
sed technical service centre in order to
avoid all risk.
Never unplug the appliance
by pulling the power cable
or the appliance itself.
Do not run
the appliance over the power
Do not
vacuum up
matches, ash or cigarette
ends when still
Never use
the appliance
on wet surfa-
obstructing the air intake or
air vent grill.
Never vacuum up needles,
staples or pieces of string.
The manufacturer reserves the right to modify
appliances and tools without warning.

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi XTD2070E ROMEO

DeLonghi XTD2070E ROMEO Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 3 pagina's

DeLonghi XTD2070E ROMEO Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 3 pagina's

DeLonghi XTD2070E ROMEO Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 3 pagina's

DeLonghi XTD2070E ROMEO Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 5 pagina's

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