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Read the instructions carefully. The appli-
ance should be used for domestic clean-
ing only, following these instructions and
only with the tools supplied.
The manufacturer declines all liability for
damage deriving from improper use of
the appliance, for example to vacuum up
rubble, ash, etc.
Danger of electric shock!
Before use, make sure the mains voltage
corresponds to the voltage indicated on
the rating plate on the bottom of the
When not in use or before maintenance
or cleaning of the appliance, always
unplug from the mains socket.
Do not use the appliance if it appears to
be faulty.
To avoid damaging the insulation, do not
run the appliance over the power cable.
Never unplug the appliance by pulling the
power cable or the appliance itself.
For repairs contact your local dealer or an
authorised service centre in order to
avoid compromising the efficiency of
your appliance and to maintain the validi-
ty of the guarantee.
If the power cable is damaged, it must be
replaced by the manufacturer or an
authorised service centre to avoid all risk.
Before starting the appliance, make sure
the filters are in position.
Do not allow the appliance to be used by
persons (including children) with psy-
chological, physical or sensory impair-
ments or with inadequate experience or
knowledge, unless closely supervised
and instructed by someone responsible
for their safety.
Children must be supervised to ensure
they do not play with the appliance.
Keep the suction outlet away from eyes,
ears, nose etc. when the appliance is in
Never vacuum up matches, ash or ciga-
rette ends when still lit.
Never vacuum up inflammable or corro-
sive liquids.
Never clean the appliance with triethylene
or other solvents.
Vacuuming up large quantities of ash or
particularly fine dust could reduce the
efficiency of the filtering system.
Take the utmost care when using the
appliance to clean stairs.
The manufacturer reserves the right to modi-
fy appliances and tools without warning.
Original spare parts and tools should always
be used to maintain the efficiency of your
appliance and avoid invalidating the guaran-
Important information for correct disposal
of the product in accordance with EC
Directive 2002/96/EC.
At the end of its working life, the
product must not be disposed of as
urban waste. It must be taken to a
special local authority differentiated
waste collection centre or to a deal-
er providing this service. Disposing of a
household appliance separately avoids possi-
ble negative consequences for the environ-
ment and health deriving from inappropriate
disposal and enables the constituent materi-
als to be recovered to obtain significant sav-
ings in energy and resources.As a reminder
of the need to dispose of household appli-
ances separately, the product is marked with
a crossed-out wheeled dustbin.

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi WFF 1600E

DeLonghi WFF 1600E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 5 pagina's

DeLonghi WFF 1600E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 5 pagina's

DeLonghi WFF 1600E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 5 pagina's

DeLonghi WFF 1600E Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 4 pagina's

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