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The instructions below will enable you to prepare your air conditioner for operation as efficiently
as possible.
Before use, make sure the air intake and outlet grilles are unobstructed.
Just a few simple steps and your comfort is
ensured with your air conditioner:
Screw one of the hose adapters to one
end of the air exhaust hose 12.
Fit the other adapter to the air exhau-
st hose housing at the back of the
appliance (see fig. A).
Screw the end of the hose without adapter
to the adapter previously mounted on the
appliance (see fig. A).
Fit the window outlet to the air
exhaust hose as shown in fig. B.
Place the air conditioner near a window
or French window.
Make sure the air exhaust hose is unob-
Preparing for use
Keep the air hoses as short and free of
curves as possible to avoid constrictions.
Before plugging the appliance into the mains socket, check that:
The mains power supply corresponds to the value indicated on the rating plate on the back of the appliance;
The mains socket and electrical circuit are adequate for the appliance;
The mains socket matches the plug. If this is not the case, have the plug replaced;
The mains socket is adequately earthed. Failure to follow these important safety instructions absolves the
manufacturer of all liability.
The power cable must be replaced by a qualified professional only.
Open the window or French window sligh-
tly and position the outlet as shown in
figure C.

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi PACN90.B PINGUINO

DeLonghi PACN90.B PINGUINO Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 11 pagina's

DeLonghi PACN90.B PINGUINO Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 11 pagina's

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