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Important safeguards
1 air outlet grille
2 control panel
3 handles
4 castors
5 filter
6 evaporator air intake grille
7 air exhaust hose housing
8 condenser air intake grille
9 power cable
10 drain hose cap
11 flange with cap
12 air exhaust hose
13 hose adapter (2 pieces)
14 wall mounting accessory
15 window outlet
16 remote control unit (some models only)
Use this appliance only as described in this instruction manual.
As with all electrical equipment, whilst the instructions aim to cover as many eventualities as
possible, caution and common sense should be applied when operating and installing this
This appliance is designed for home air conditioning and must not be used for other purposes.
It is dangerous to modify or alter the characteristics of the appliance in any way.
The appliance must be installed in conformity with national legislation regulating electrical
equipment and installations.
If the appliance requires repair, contact a Service Centre authorised by the manufacturer only.
Repairs carried out by unauthorised personnel may be dangerous.
This appliance must be used exclusively by adults.
Never allow the appliance to be used by people (including children) with psychological, phy-
sical or sensory impairments or with insufficient experience and knowledge, unless closely
supervised and instructed by someone responsible for their safety.
Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
The appliance must be connected to an efficient earth system.
Have your electrical circuit checked by a qualified electrician.
Do not use extension cables.
Before cleaning or maintenance, always unplug the appliance from the mains socket.
Never unplug the appliance by pulling on the power cable.
Do not install the appliance in rooms containing gas, oil or sulphur. Do not install near sources
of heat.
Keep the appliance at least 50 cm away from flammable substances (alcohol etc) or
pressurised containers (eg aerosol cans).
Do not rest heavy or hot objects on top of the appliance.
Clean the air filter at least once a week.
Avoid using heating appliances near the air conditioner.
Always transport the appliance upright or resting on one side.
Before moving the appliance, empty the internal circuit completely of water.
After moving the appliance, wait at least 1 hour before starting it
When putting the appliance away, do not cover with plastic bags.
The materials used for packaging can be recycled.
You are therefore recommended to dispose of them in special differentiated waste collection
At the end of its working life, consign the appliance to a specialist collection centre.
If the power cable is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or an authorised
technical service centre in order to avoid all risk.
R410A refrigerant gas conforms to EC regulations on the environment.
Avoid perforating the refrigerant circuit of the appliance.
ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION: This unit contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the
Kyoto Protocol.
Maintenance and disposal must be carried out by qualified personnel only (R410A, GWP=1975).
* Verify the type of refrigerant gas used in your appliance on the rating plate.
Downloaded from AC-Manual.com Manuals

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi PAC-N series

DeLonghi PAC-N series Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 15 pagina's

DeLonghi PAC-N series Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 11 pagina's

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