Pagina terug
Pagina verder
The air conditioner
does not come on
there is no current
it is not plugged into the mains
the internal safety device has
plug into the mains
Wait 30 minutes, if the problem
persists, contact your service cen-
The air conditioner
works for a short time
•there are bends or kinks in the
air exhaust hose
something is preventing the
air from being discharged
position the air exhaust hose
correctly, keeping it as short
and free of curves as possible
to avoid bottlenecks
•check and remove any obsta-
cles obstructing air discharge
The air conditioner
works, but does not
cool the room
windows, doors and/or cur-
tains open
there are heat sources in the
room (oven, hairdryer, etc)
the air exhaust hose is deta-
ched from the appliance
•the technical specification of
the appliance is not adequa-
te for the room in which it is
close doors, windows and
curtains, bearing in mind the
"tips for correct use" given
eliminate the heat sources
•fit the air exhaust hose in the
housing at the back of the
appliance (fig. 1).
During operation,
there is an unplea-
sant smell in the
airfilter clogged •clean the filter as described
The air conditioner
does not operate for
about three minutes
after restarting it
the internal compressor safety
device prevents the applian-
ce from being restarted until
three minutes have elapsed
since it was last turned off.
wait. This delay is part of nor-
mal operation.
The following message
appears on the display:
The appliance has a self dia-
gnosis system to identify a
number of malfunctions.

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi PAC A 85

DeLonghi PAC A 85 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 16 pagina's

DeLonghi PAC A 85 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

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