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Read all the Instruction for Use carefully before using
the appliance. Keep this Instruction for Use.
If the power cord is damaged, it must
be replaced by the manufacturer or the
manufacturer’s Customer Services in or-
der to avoid all risk.
Never immerse the appliance in water.
When in operation, the door and accessi-
ble external surfaces could become very
hot. Always use the handgrip, handles
and buttons. Use oven gloves if neces-
This electrical appliance operates at high
temperatures which could cause burns.
This appliance shall not be used by chil-
dren from 0 year to 8 years. This appli-
ance can be used by children aged from
8 years and above if they are continu-
ously supervised. This appliance can be
used by people with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities or lack
of experience and knowledge if they
have been given supervision or instruc-
tion concerning use of the appliance in
a safe way and understand the hazards
involved. Keep the appliance and its cord
out of reach of children aged less than 8
years. Cleaning and user maintenance
shall not be made by children.
Do not preheat the appliance when
Do not use the appliance without food.
You might damage it.
This is an household appliance only. It is
not intended to be used in: sta kitchen
areas in shops, oces and other working
environments; farm houses; by clients in
hotels, motels and other residential type
environments; bed and breakfast type
This appliance must not be operated by
a timer or a separate remote control sys-
Failure to observe the warning may result in life threatening
injury by electric shock.
Before using the appliance, check that the voltage of the
mains power supply corresponds to the value indicated on
the appliance rating plate.
Connect the appliance to an earthed power supply and
sockets with a minimum current rating of 10 A only. The
manufacturer declines all liability in the event that this
important accident-prevention rule is not respected.
Danger of burns!
Failure to observe the warnings could result in scalds or burns.
While in operation, the appliance becomes hot. DO NOT
Move the appliance by the handles only.
Never move the appliance using the bowl handgrip.
Never leave the power cord hanging from the edge of
the surface the appliance is resting on where it could be
grasped by a child or get in the way of the user.
Hot steam may come out of the vents. Take great care!
Failure to observe the warnings may result in life threatening
injury or damage to the appliance.
Never locate the appliance near sources of heat.
The bowl ts automatically onto the central pin.
To avoid damage, never rotate it manually to nd the right
Never insert anything into the ventilation openings. Make
sure they are unobstructed.
Do not ll the bowl with liquid above the MAX level (E).
Do not ll the bowl with quantities of oil in excess of the
maximum level marked on the oil measure (level 5).
Please note:
This symbol identies important advice or information for the

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi FH1394 Multifry EXTRA CHEF

DeLonghi FH1394 Multifry EXTRA CHEF Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 6 pagina's

DeLonghi FH1394 Multifry EXTRA CHEF Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 6 pagina's

DeLonghi FH1394 Multifry EXTRA CHEF Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 6 pagina's

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