Pagina terug
Pagina verder
1. INTRODUCTION ...........................................7
1.1 Letters in brackets .................................................... 7
1.2 Troubleshooting and repairs..................................... 7
1.3 Download the App! .................................................. 7
2. DESCRIPTION ..............................................7
2.1 Description of the appliance (page 3 - A) ................. 7
2.2 Description of the homepage (page 2 - B) ............... 7
2.3 Description of the control panel (page 2 - C) ............7
2.4 Description of the accessories (page 2 - D) ............... 8
2.5 Description of the milk container (page 2 - E) .......... 8
3. SETTING UP THE APPLIANCE .........................8
4. TURNING THE APPLIANCE ON .......................8
5. TURNING THE APPLIANCE OFF ...................... 8
6. MENU SETTINGS ..........................................9
6.1 Access the settings menu .........................................9
6.2 Exit the menu ........................................................... 9
6.3 Rinse ....................................................................... 9
6.4 Descaling ................................................................ 9
6.5 Water lter ..............................................................9
6.6 Beverages settings .................................................. 9
6.7 Auto-o (standby) .................................................. 9
6.8 Energy saving ......................................................... 9
6.9 Coee temperature ................................................. 9
6.10 Water hardness .......................................................9
6.11 Set language ........................................................... 9
6.12 Beep ...................................................................... 10
6.13 Bluetooth ............................................................... 10
6.14 Default values ....................................................... 10
6.15 Statistics ................................................................10
6.16 Customise prole .................................................. 10
7. MAKING COFFEE ........................................ 10
7.1 Making coee using coee beans ..........................10
7.2 Selecting the coee aroma .................................... 10
7.3 Selecting the coee quantity ................................. 11
7.4 Making coee using pre-ground coee..................11
7.5 Adjusting the coee mill ........................................11
7.6 Tips for a hotter coee ........................................... 11
COFFEES ................................................... 11
8.1 Filling and attaching the milk container ................ 12
8.2 Adjusting the amount of froth ............................... 12
8.3 Making cappuccinos and milk-based coees
automatically .........................................................12
8.4 Cleaning the milk container after use ...................12
9. COFFEE CARAFE ......................................... 13
10. DELIVERING HOT WATER ............................ 13
11. CUSTOMISING THE BEVERAGES .................. 13
13. CLEANING ................................................. 14
13.1 Cleaning the machine ............................................ 14
13.2 Cleaning the internal circuit ................................... 14
13.3 Cleaning the coee grounds container ................... 14
13.4 Cleaning the drip tray and condensate tray ............ 14
13.5 Cleaning the inside of the coee machine ............. 15
13.6 Cleaning the water tank ......................................... 15
13.7 Cleaning the coee spouts ..................................... 15
13.8 Cleaning the pre-ground coee funnel .................. 15
13.9 Cleaning the infuser ............................................... 15
13.10 Cleaning the milk container ................................... 15
13.11 Cleaning the hot water nozzle ................................ 16
14. DESCALING................................................ 16
15. SETTING WATER HARDNESS ........................ 17
15.1 Measuring water hardness ..................................... 17
15.2 Setting water hardness ......................................... 17
16. WATER SOFTENER FILTER ........................... 17
16.1 Installing the lter ................................................. 17
16.2 Replacing the lter................................................. 18
16.3 Removing the lter ................................................ 18
17. TECHNICAL DATA ....................................... 18
18. DISPLAYED MESSAGES ............................... 19
19. TROUBLESHOOTING ................................... 24

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  • Ik heb een De longhi Dinamica plus koffie machine nou geeft de machine aan plaats: waterafgiftegroep, wat betekent dat en waar zit dat? Gesteld op 3-9-2020 om 22:12

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi ECAM 370.95 T Dinamica Plus

DeLonghi ECAM 370.95 T Dinamica Plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 386 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM 370.95 T Dinamica Plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 22 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM 370.95 T Dinamica Plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 21 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM 370.95 T Dinamica Plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português, Espanõl, Polski, Türkiye, Dansk, Svenska, Suomi - 386 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM 370.95 T Dinamica Plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - Alle talen - 386 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM 370.95 T Dinamica Plus Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 6 pagina's

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