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Thank you for choosing a De’Longhi product. Please take a
few minutes to read these instructions. This will avoid all
risks and damage to the appliance.
Symbols used in these instructions
Important warnings are identied by these symbols.
It is vital to respect these warnings. Failure to observe the in-
structions could result in electric shock, serious injury, burns,
re or damage to the appliance.
Failure to observe the warning may result in life threatening
injury by electric shock.
Failure to observe the warning could result in injury or dama-
ge to the appliance.
Please note:
This symbol identies important advice or information for
the user.
Troubleshooting and repairs
If the appliance requires repair, always contact the manufac-
turer’s Customer Services.
Always insist on original spare parts.
Repairs carried out by unauthorised personnel may be dan-
gerous and invalidate the guarantee.
Designated use
This is a household appliance only. Use only as described in
these instructions.
As with all electrical equipment, whilst the instructions aim
to cover as many eventualities as possible, caution and com-
mon sense should be used when operating and installing the
Fundamental safety warnings
This appliance can be used by children
aged from 8 years and above and per-
sons with reduced physical, sensory or
mental capabilities or lack of experi-
ence and knowledge if they have been
given supervision or instruction con-
cerning use of the appliance in a safe
way and understand the hazards in-
volved. Children shall not play with the
appliance. Cleaning and user mainte-
nance shall not be made by children
without supervision.
Danger! This is an electrical appliance, it is therefore
important to respect the following safety warnings:
If the power cable is damaged, it must
be replaced by the manufacturer or
the manufacturer’s Customer Services
in order to avoid all risk.
Never touch the appliance with wet or damp hands.
Never use the appliance with bare or wet feet.
Never touch the plug with damp hands.
Never immerse the appliance in water.
Make sure the socket used is freely accessible at all ti-
mes, enabling the appliance to be unplugged when
Unplug directly from the plug only. Never pull the po-
wer cable as you could damage it.
To disconnect the appliance completely you must
unplug it from the mains socket.
If the appliance is faulty, do not attempt to repair.
Turn it o, unplug from the mains socket and contact
Customer Services.
If the power socket does not match the plug on the ap-
pliance, have the socket replaced with a suitable type by
a qualied electrician.
Never move the appliance by pulling on the power ca-
The appliance must not be modied in any way, as any
modications may be extremely dangerous.
Do not use an extension cable.
The appliance must be installed in accordance with the
rules on household appliances in force in the country
Important! Keep all packaging (plastic bags,
polystyrene foam) away from children.
Important! Do not obstruct the air intake and outlet
Important safeguards en

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi AC 230

DeLonghi AC 230 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

DeLonghi AC 230 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

DeLonghi AC 230 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 4 pagina's

DeLonghi AC 230 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 8 pagina's

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