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31/08/05 - 300005627-001-A CITY
Operating instructions
- Check that the boiler is connected to the electricity.
- Open the gas valve (See next page).
G : Switch
Turn the switch to the desired operating mode :
: Boiler stopped (with antifreeze protection)
: Boiler in use : Heating; production of domestic hot water *
(recommended mode)
: Boiler in use : production of domestic hot water Only *
I : Setting button
Adjust the heating water temperature
- Stop to the left : = 40 °C
- Hard point : = 75 °C
- Stop to the right : = 90 °C
K : Setting button *
Adjust the domestic hot water temperature
- Stop to the left : = 40 °C
- Hard point : = 53°C to 55 °C depending on the model
- Stop to the right : = 58°C to 60°C depending on the model
B : Domestic hot water temperature maintenance override
For City with Easymatic or Easyradio control unit
Pressing for 1 second in summer or summer/winter mode overrides
loading of the domestic hot water tank or of the primary storage tank
outside the time slot programmed on the control unit up to midnight
(indicator light B2 flash)
Light B1 lit : The burner is ignited to reheat the domestic hot
water tank (or primary storage tank)
Light B2 off : No override or programme running
Light B2 lit : Comfort programme activated
For City without control unit
Light B1 lit : The burner is ignited to reheat the domestic hot water
tank (or primary storage tank)
A power cut does not modify the selected operating mode.
D : Unlock button
If the boiler has locked itself out (warning light C lit), press button D
to re-ignite it. If a 2nd reset turns out to be necessary and remains
unsucessful, consult your fitter.
M : Pressure indicator
Displays the pressure in the heating circuit from 0.5 to 2.5 bar. If the
red warming light (0.5 bar) is lit, top up with water using the filling
system (disconnector, consult your fitter (See next page).
E and F : "Chimney sweep" button and "Fitter" button
These 2 buttons are for use only by the fitter.
Boiler ignition may be provoked by :
- A request for heat from the room thermostat, if being used.
- A request for heat by the boiler thermostat (Setting button I).
- Drawing off dometic hot water or a request for heat by the tank*.
- Temperature maintenance in the primary storage tank (City 2.24/
* only for boilers with tank and City 2.24/II.

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