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11/05/12 - 300027781-001-01 BSC...E - BSP...E - BESC...E
1.1 Symbols and abbreviations
In these instructions, various markings and pictograms are used to
draw your attention to particular information. In so doing, De Dietrich
Thermique S.A.S wishes to safeguard the user's safety, obviate
hazards and guarantee correct operation of the appliance.
Risk of a dangerous situation causing serious physical
Risk of a dangerous situation causing slight physical
Risk of material damage.
Specific information.
Refer to another manual or other pages in this instruction
` DHW: Domestic hot water.
1.2 General
Congratulations on choosing a De Dietrich product, a product of
quality. We strongly recommend that you read the following
instructions in order to guarantee the optimal operation of your
appliance. We are sure that you will not be disappointed and that it
will satisfy all of your expectations.
1.2.1 Manufacturer's liability
Our products are manufactured in compliance with the requirements
of the various applicable European Directives. They are therefore
delivered with 1 marking and all relevant documentation.
In the interest of customers, we are continuously endeavouring to
make improvements in product quality. All the specifications stated in
this document are therefore subject to change without notice.
Our liability as the manufacturer may not be invoked in the following
` Failure to abide by the instructions on using the appliance.
` Faulty or insufficient maintenance of the appliance.
` Failure to abide by the instructions on installing the appliance.
1.2.2 Installer's liability
The installer is responsible for the installation and inital start up of the
appliance. The installer must respect the following instructions:
` Read and follow the instructions given in the manuals provided
with the appliance.
` Carry out installation in compliance with the prevailing
legislation and standards.
` Perform the initial start up and carry out any checks necessary.
` Explain the installation to the user.
` If a maintenance is necessary, warn the user of the obligation
to check the appliance and maintain it in good working order.
` Give all the instruction manuals to the user.
1.2.3 User's liability
To ensure the optimum operation of your appliance, we strongly
recommend that you abide by the following instructions:
` Read and follow the instructions given in the manuals provided
with the appliance.
` Call on qualified professionals to carry out installation and initial
start up.
` Get your installer to explain your installation to you.
` To carry out inspections and maintenance required by a
qualified professional.
` Keep the instruction manuals in good condition close to the
1.2.4 Compliance of design and manufacture
This product conforms to the requirements of european directive 97 /
23 / EC, article 3, paragraph 3, on pressure equipment.

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Andere handleiding(en) van De Dietrich BSP 500 E

De Dietrich BSP 500 E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 24 pagina's

De Dietrich BSP 500 E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 24 pagina's

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