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Opening and Folding the Walker
To open the walker, hold the two sides of the frame in both
hands and push them away from each other. To ensure the frame
is held in the open position push the locking mechanism in the
centre from the handle to lock it open. To fold the walker, unlock
the locking mechanism by pulling it in the centre from the single
front wheel side, up towards the handles. Completely close the
frame by pulling it together at the handle end of the frame.
Handle Adjustment
Remove the hand knob and bolt. Pull the handle to new setting
(there are five fixed settings at 25 mm intervals), re-fit and
tighten the knob and bolt ensuring that the head of the bolt is
inside the hexagonal hole.
The Days Healthcare 240L Tri Wheel Walker is fitted with locking
brakes. To apply the brakes pull up on the brake handles. To lock the brakes push down on both brake
handles until they click into the locked position. To release the brakes simply pull up on the brake
handles until they click.
The pressure needed to brake can be adjusted by turning the knurled knob whilst holding the nut below
it. Both the knob and nut are located above the brake shoe. Turning the knob anti-clockwise increases
the pressure needed to brake by moving the brake shoe nearer to the wheel and compressing the spring.
It is a case of trial and error to suit individual users' grip strength.
Brakes that are adjusted to give light pressure will be less effective at preventing rear
wheel movement under load.
Safe Use
When using the walker be aware that stability depends on all three wheels being in contact with the flat
surface. Care should be taken when negotiating uneven ground, inclines, kerb etc. as stability will
inevitably be reduced.
Ensure that the frame is opened completely with the folding mechanism locked in the open position.
The Days Healthcare 240L Tri Wheel Walker is designed for minimum maintenance. It is manufactured
from aluminium painted tubing and requires the occasional wipe-over with a soft cloth and warm soapy
water. Do not use harsh abrasive materials!
Daily, before use, check the effective operation of the brakes.
Check that the wheels turn and swivel freely and there is no debris building around the axle. Check
moving parts for wear.
Periodically check that all screws, nuts and bolts are securely fastened.
If the folding operation becomes stiff, loosen the bolt that fixes right hand side frame to the front wheel
support plate by about quarter of a turn .
Regularly inspect that the central locking mechanism is secure, i.e. no fasteners are loose or missing.
Warranty Information
The Days Healthcare model no. 240L is warranted for one year from date of purchase due to faulty
workmanship and materials. Please contact your supplier/dealer should a fault occur.
The warranty does not extend to the consequential costs resulting from fault clearance, in particular
freight and travel costs, loss of earnings, expenses etc.
The manufacturer will not accept responsibility for any damage or injury caused by misuse or non
observance of the instructions set out above.
Days Healthcare Ltd. is not responsible for any damage or injury due to
improper or unsafe use of their Walkers.
D/N: A1-035-09
fig. 1
email: info@dayshealthcare.com

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