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Electronic Programmable Room Thermostat
Fig. 1
Fig. 3
Fig. 2
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 4
The following table shows the factory pre-set programme,
which may be re-instated at any time by performing a
Days 1 to 5 (Weekdays) Days 6 & 7 (Weekend)
Setting Time Temp. Setting Time Temp.
1 6:30 20 1 7:00 20
2 8:30 15 2 16:00 21
3 11:30 20 3 23:00 15
4 13:30 15 4 0:00 15
5 16:30 21 5 1:00 15
6 22:30 15 6 1:59 15
The factory pre-set programme for days 6 & 7 (Saturday
and Sunday) provides full heating throughout the day
until 23:00, after which the 15°C may be raised manually
to the level required using the s button. The manual
over-ride will last for up to one hour until midnight (0:00)
after which it can be used up to twice again to provide full
heating until 1:59 if required.
While reviewing the settings the switching time and
control temperature may be changed using the + and -
(time) and s and t (temperature) buttons.
When changing the switching times it is not possible to
set the times out of sequence.
This important feature works like this:
Both number 1 time settings can be placed at any time of
the day, although they would usually be in the morning.
Each of the time settings 2 to 6 can only be placed
between the previous setting and 1:59.
When using the - button to change settings 2 to 6 the
button stops responding when the previous setting time
is reached. While using the + button to change settings
2 to 5, as later settings in the sequence are reached the
time continues to advance, (until 1:59 if the button is held
down), and all later settings reached are then changed to
the same time as the one being set.
Should this happen unintentionally and settings 2 to 6 are
all at the same undesirable time, use the PROG button to
get back to setting 1, days 1 to 5, then review and change
all the times and temperatures to the required settings. If
any times are intentionally set to the same time then the
temperature associated with the higher setting number
will be used to control the room temperature.
Slide the battery cover to the left to
reveal the programming buttons
(PROG, +, -). Slide the cover further
left to reveal the battery compartment.
Fit the batteries (supplied) making sure
the + ends align with the symbols at the back of the
compartment. RESET the TP5E as described below.
The blank display changes to that shown in fig. 1. (If the
actual air temperature in the proximity of the unit is higher
than 20°C the flame symbol will not be displayed). Slide
the battery cover to the right but leave the buttons visible.
The TP5E may be reset to the factory pre-set programme,
12:00 on day 1, and 20°C by pressing and holding down
the four buttons, temperature s and t , time + and -, until
the display becomes blank. This may be necessary after
a severe electrical storm or serious fluctuations in the
electricity supply, indicated by a malfunction or spurious
information such as 18:88 on the display.
Press the PROG button once; the colon
stops blinking, (see fig. 2). Use the +
and - buttons to set the time. Pressing
and releasing these buttons changes
the time by one minute, holding these
buttons down changes the time quickly.
When the time is correct press the
PROG button to start the clock; now
only the colon and day number are
displayed, (see fig. 3). Use the + and -
buttons to select the correct day
number. (It is intended that day 1 is
Monday, therefore days 6 and 7 are
Saturday and Sunday - the weekend).
Press PROG to display the first setting,
(see fig. 4).
Now each press of the PROG button
shows, in sequence, the twelve set
times and their associated control
temperatures, starting at setting 1, days
1 to 5, and finishing at setting 6, days 6
& 7, (see figs. 4 to 6). Pressing PROG
while setting 6, days 6 & 7 is shown
returns the TP5E to RUN mode.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Danfoss TP5E

Danfoss TP5E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Danfoss TP5E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 1 pagina's

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