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Disposal of the old air conditioner
Before disposing an old air conditioner that goes out of use,
please make sure it's inoperative and safe. Unplug the air condi-
tioner in order to avoid the risk of child entrapment.
It must be noticed that air conditioner system contains refrige-
rants, which require specialized waste disposal. The valuable
materials contained in an air conditioner can be recycled .Contact
your local waste disposal center for proper disposal of an old air
conditioner and contact your local authority or your dealer if you
have any question. Please ensure that the pipework of your air
conditioner does not get damagedprior to being picked up by the
relevant waste disposal center, and contribute to environmental
awareness by insisting on an appropriate, anti-pollution method
of disposal.
Disposal of the packaging of your new air conditioner
All the packaging materials employed in the package of your
new air conditioner may be disposed without any danger to the
The cardboard box may be broken or cut into smaller pieces
and given to a waste paper disposal service. The wrapping bag
made of polyethylene and the polyethylene foam pads contain no
fluorochloric hydrocarbon.
All these valuable materials may be taken to a waste collecting
center and used again after adequate recycling.
Consult your local authorities for the name and address of the
waste materials collecting centers and waste paper disposal ser-
vices nearest to your house.
Safety Instructions and Warnings
Before starting the air conditioner, read the information given
in the User's Guide carefully. The User's Guide contains very
important observations relating to the assembly, operation and
maintenance of the air conditioner.
The manufacturer does not accept responsibility for any
damages that may arise due to non-observation of the following
Damaged air conditioners are not to be put into operation.
In case of doubt, consult your supplier.
Use of the air conditioner is to be carried out in strict com-
pliance with the relative instructions set forth in the User's
Installation shall be done by professional people, don't ins-
tall unit by yourself.
For the purpose of the safety,the air conditioner must be
properly grounded in accordance with specifications.
Always remember to unplug the air conditioner before
openning inlet grill. Never unplug your air conditioner by
pulling on the power cord. Always grip plug firmly and pull
straight out from the outlet.
All electrical repairs must be carried out by qualified elec-
tricians. Inadequate repairs may result in a major source of
danger for the user of the air conditioner.
Do not damage any parts of the air conditioner that carry
refrigerant by piercing or performating the air conditione
tubes with sharp or pointed items, crushing or twisting any
tubes, or scraping the coatings off the surfaces. If the refri-
gerant spurts out and gets into eyes, it may result in serious
eye injuries.
Do not obstruct or cover the ventilation grille of the air con-
ditoner.Do not put fingers or any other things into the
inlet/outlet and swing louver.
Do not allow children to play with the air conditioner.In no
case should children be allowed to sit on the outdoor unit.
The refrigerating circuit is leak-proof.
The machine is adaptive in following situation
Applicable ambient temperature range:
If the power supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced
by the manufacturer or its service agent or a similar quali-
fied person.
If the fuse of indoor unit on PC board is broken,please
change it with the type of T. 3.15A/ 250V.
The wiring method should be in line with the local wiring
After installation, the power plug should be easily reached.
The waste battery should be disposed properly.
The appliance is not intended for use by young children or
infirm persons without supervision.
Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the applience.
Please employ the proper power plug, which fit into the
power supply cord.
The power plug and connecting cable must have acquired
the local attestation.
Maximum: D.B/W.B 32ºC/23ºC
Minimum: D.B/W.B 18ºC/14ºC
Maximum: D.B/W.B 43ºC/26ºC
Minimum: D.B 18ºC
Maximum: D.B 27ºC
Minimum: D.B 15ºC
Heating Outdoor
Maximum: D.B/W.B 24ºC/18ºC
Minimum: D.B/W.B -7ºC/-8ºC
Outdoor Maximum: D.B/W.B 24ºC/18ºC
(Inverter) Minimum: D.B/W.B -15ºC
Manual 05Daitsu Eng 20/12/04 09:28 Página 80

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Andere handleiding(en) van Daitsu ASD9UA

Daitsu ASD9UA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 25 pagina's

Daitsu ASD9UA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 25 pagina's

Daitsu ASD9UA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 25 pagina's

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