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User's Manual
iPod Player not included
When used in the directed manner, this unit has been designed and
manufactured to ensure your personal safety. However, improper use can
result in potential electrical shock or fire hazards. Please read all safety and
operating instructions carefully before installation and use, and keep these
instructions handy for future reference. Take special note of all warnings
listed in these instructions and on the unit.
1.Water and Moisture
The unit should not be used near water. For example: near a bathtub,
washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, swimming pool or in a set basement.
The unit should be situated so that its location or position does not interfere
with its proper ventilation. For example, it should not be situated on a bed,
sofa, rug or similar surface that may block the ventilation openings. Also,
it should not be placed in a built-in installation, such as a bookcase or
cabinet, which may impede the flow of air through the ventilation openings.
The unit should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat
registers, stoves or other appliances (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
4.Power Source
The unit should be connected to a power supply only of the type described
in the operating instructions or as marked on the appliance.
5.Power Cord Protection
Power supply cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked
on or pinched by items placed upon or against them. It is always best to
have a clear area from where the cord exits the unit to where it is plugged
into an AC outlet.
The unit should be cleaned only as recommended. See the section "Care
and Maintenance" of this manual for cleaning instructions.
7.Object and Liquid Entry
Care should be taken so that objects do not fall and liquids are not spilled
into any openings or vents located on the product.
Do not use attachments not recommended by the product manufacturer.
9.Lightning and Power Surge Protection
Unplug the unit from the wall outlet ouring lightning storms.
This will prevent damage to the product due to power-line surges.
Thank you for purchasing the Universal MP3 player docking Music Cube.
This system incorporates the following features :
®® ®
iPod , iPod mini and iPod nano Player / Re-charger
Interchangeable iPod Adaptors
USB docking for playback of MP3 player
Audio line-in for connecting CD player or other digital audio player
AM(MW)/FM Stereo receiver with 10AM + 10FM presets, Digital Tuning
and auto-search function
Electronic Volume Control
Built-in 2 High Fidelity Speakers
Multi-function Back-lit LCD Display
Clock and Year/Month/date function
Wake up to Alarm (Buzzer), Radio or iPod with Snooze function
Sleep to Music Timer
External FM Antenna connector for better reception
Stereo Headphone jack connection for private listening
®® ®
iPod , iPod mini and iPod nano are trademarks of Apple Computer Inc.,
registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Important Safety Instructions
10.Do not overload wall outlets, extension cords, or integral convenience
receptacles as this can result in a risk of fire of electric shock.
11.Damage Requiring Service
This unit should be serviced by qualified service personnel when:
A.The power supply cord or plug has been damaged.
B.Objects have fallen into or liquid has been spilled into the enclosure.
C.The unit has been exposed to rain.
D.The unit has been dropped or the enclosure damaged.
E.The unit exhibits a marked change in performance or does not operate
Do not connect an external antenna to the unit (other than that provided).
13.Periods of Nonuse
If the unit is to be left unused for an extended period of time, such as a m onth
or longer, the power cord should be unplugged from the unit to prevent
damage or corrosion.
The user should not attempt to service the unit beyond those methods
described in the user's operating instructions. Service methods not covered
in the operating instructions should be referred to qualified service personnel.
folded: 105 x 148.5mm
use 4 pcs 210 x 148.5mm / 80gms paper
bk+bk ( black on white)
04/03/2008 VER3.0-UK
iPod Speaker Clock
Radio with USB
HELPLING NUMBER 0870 100 2525

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