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Q: I accidentally ran my microwave oven without any food in
it. is it damaged?
A: We do not recommend to operating the microwave oven
without any food. However, running the oven empty for a
SHORT time will not damage the oven.
Q: Can I open the door when the oven is operating?
A: The door can be opened anytime durng the oven operation.
Microwave energy will be instantly switched off and the time
setting will maintain until the door is closed.
Q: Does microwave energy pass through the viewing screen
in the door?
A: No. The metal screen bounces back the energy to the oven
cavity. The holes are made to allow light to pass through.
They do not let microwave energy pass through.
Q: My microwave oven causes interference with my TV. is
this normal?
A: Some radio and TV interference might occur when you cook
with the microwave oven. This interference is similar to the
interference caused by small appliances such as mixers,
vacuums, blow dryers, etc. It does not indicate a problem with
your oven.
Q: How can we know whether the oven is operating or not?
A: Oven is operating only when the door is closed.
After the end of oven cooking, the cooling fan will run for two
Q: Why does my oven light dim?
A: When cooking at reduced power level, the oven must cycle to
obtain the selected power levels. The oven light, dims and
clicking noises can be heard when the oven cycles.
Q: When is the oven light on and off?
A: The oven light is on during the cooking time and when the
door is opened.
Q: Why does steam accumulate on the oven door?
A: During cooking, steam is given off from the food. Most of the
steam is removed from the oven by the air which circulates in
the oven cavity.
However, some steam will condense on cooler surfaces such
as the oven door. This is normal.
Q: Sometimes warm air comes from the oven vents. Why?
A: The heat given off from the cooking food warms the air in the
oven cavity. This warmed air is carried out of the oven by the
air flow pattern in the oven. There are no microwave in the air.
The oven vents should never be blocked during cooking.
Q: Why does the smoke come out of the exhaust vent at the
back of oven?
A: It is normal for smoke to come out of the vents during cooking.
Smoke may be produced when food is overcooked.
Model KOC-629Q5S KOC-629Q5R
Power supply 230V~, 50Hz
Power consumption 1250W
Microwave Output power 800W (IEC 705)
Frequency 2,450MHz
Grill power consumption 1250W
Convection power consumption 1650W
Combination heating power consumption 2500W 1350W
Outside Dimension(WXDXH) 470(18.5) x 408(161) x 285(11.2)mm (inch)
Cavity Dimensions(WXDXH) 295(11.6) x 306(12.0) x 190(7.5)mm (inch)
Net Weight Approx. 14.5Kg (32 lbs.)
Timer Oven: 99 minutes, M/W: 60 minutes, Grill: 30 minutes
Select function Microwave / Grill / Oven / Combination
Microwave power level 10 levels
* Microwave oven is a Group 2 ISM equipment in which radio-frequency energy is intentionally generated and used in the form
of electromagnetic radiation for the treatment of material. This oven is a Class B equipment suitable for use in domestic
establishments and in establishments directly connected to a low voltage power supply network which supplies buildings used
for domestic purposes.
* Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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  • in onze deawoo magnetron zit iets van een metalen zilverkleurig plaatje, binnenin aan de zijkant achterin, nu maakt de magnetron alleen nog maar vonken omdat er een gaatje in het plaatje zit.nu is mijn vraag ....kan ik een nieuw plaatje plaatsen , en zoja kan ik die dan bestellen. Gesteld op 30-1-2013 om 17:04

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    • ik heb hetzelfde probleem, ben erachter dat het een micaplaatje heet maar vraag me af of dat los te bestellen is. Geantwoord op 26-4-2015 om 10:50

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Andere handleiding(en) van Daewoo KOC629Q

Daewoo KOC629Q Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 20 pagina's

Daewoo KOC629Q Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 20 pagina's

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