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Please observe the following instructions.
1. Operate the Selector Switch to run or stop the unit.
- Do not operate Main Power Switch or Auxiliary Power Switch to do it.
2. Do not stick anything into the air outlet or inlet.
- It is a danger and it can cause trouble.
3. You must frequently open doors or windows for in taking fresh air from outdoors.
4. Avoid exposing your body directly to a continuous cool air - flow for long periods.
- It is not good for your health.
5. Do not pour water on the unit to clean it.
- It is dangerous and can cause trouble.
Never use solvents or harsh chemicals when cleaning the unit.
When the air inlet grill and cabinet are dirty, wipe with luke - warm water (below 40˚C)
6. Avoid placing any obstacles near the inlet or outlet.
- If the inlet or outlet is blocked with any obstacle, it may cause trouble with the unit.
7. Do not frequently run or stop the unit.
- If you run or stop the unit more then 4-5 times an hour, it can cause trouble with the unit.
8. When running the unit again after once having stopped it or in the case of power failure during
running, please wait for over 3 minutes.
- If you turn on the unit in 3 minutes, it can cause trouble with the unit.
9. If the air conditioner is operated without an air filter, dust is not removed from the air, and resultant
accumulation in the unit may lead to a failure.
- Do not forget to install the air filter.
10. The air filter cleaned at least once every two weeks.
11. When the unit is cleaned, set the Selector Switch at off position.
- And then unplug the power plug.
12. Never use store gasoline or other flammable vaper or liquid near the air conditioner.
- It is very dangerous.
13. Do not force the unit too much.
- It can cause trouble and damage.
14. Set a comfortable temperature.
- Very low temperature setting considerably increase power consumption.
15. Be careful to keep room temperature comfortable.
- Avoid continuous direct air flow on to the occupant, especially in case of those sleeping or a patient.
16. Do not pull out the power cord.
- Damage to the cord may result in serious electrical shocks.
17. The appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons without supervision.
18. Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.

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