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For safe operation and satisfactory performance of your unit, keep the following in mind when
selecting a place for its installation :
• Shield it from direct sunlight and keep it away from sources of intense heat.
• Avoid dusty or humid places.
• Avoid places with insufficient ventilation for proper heat dissipatio. do not block the ventila-
tion holes at the top and bottom of the unit.
do not place the unit on a carpet because this will block the ventilation holes.
• Install the unit in a horizontal position.
• Avoid locations subject to strong vibration.
• Do not place the unit near strong magnetic fields.
• Do not move the unit from a cold place to a hot place or vice versa (see the warning below).
• Do not handle the power cord with wet hands.
• Do not pull on the power cord when disconnecting it from an ac wall outlet. grasp it by plug.
• If, by accident, water is spilled on your unit, unplug the power cord immediately and take the
unit to an authorized daewoo service center for servicing.
• Do not put your fingers or objects into the TV/VCR cassette holder.
• Do not place anything directly on top of the unit.
Mosture condensation may occur inside the unit when it is moved from a cold place to a warm
place, after heating in a cold room, or under conditions of high humidity. if a tape is played in
a TV/VCR that has moisture, it may damage the tape and TV/VCR. when condensation
occurs inside the unit, turn the power on and allow at least 2 hours for the unit to dry.
This equipment may generate or use radio frequency energy. changes or modifications to this
equipment may cause harmful interference unless the modifications to this equipment may
cause harmful interference unless the modifications are expressly approved in the instruction
The user could lose the authority to operate this equipment if an unauthorized change or modi-
fication is made.
Unauthorized recording or use of broadcast television programming, video tape, film, or other
copyrighted material may violate applicable copyright laws. we assume no responsibility for
the unauthorized duplication, use or other acts which infringe upon the rights of copyright

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