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The Timer Recording function allows you to record up to 8 programs within a period of one month.
1 Insert recordable media such as DVD+R ,DVD+RW, recordable VHS tape.
2 Press [TIMER].
The ‘Select Record Method’ menu appears.
3 Select ‘Manual edit timer ’ with [/] and confirm with [ENTER].
The ‘Timer Recording’ menu appears.
Use […†] to move to a timer recording slot, and press [ENTER] to modify it.
If you did not set the clock on the DVD Recorder+VCR, you must do so before
programming a timer recording.
Media - Choose desired media (DVD or VHS) using […†].
PR No. – Choose the desired channel, or one of the external inputs from
which to record.
Date – Choose a date up to 1 month in advance, or select a daily or weekly
Start Time – Set the recording start time.
End Time – Set the recording end time.
Mode – Choose a Record mode.
Repeat-Choose frequency of the recording. Once, Daily, Weekly, Weekday.
4 Enter the necessary information for your Timer Recording(s).
œ √
– Moves the cursor left/right.
…† – Changes the setting at the current cursor position.
Press [SETUP] to exit the Timer Record menu.
Press [ENTER] after filling in all the program information.
Press [TIMER] to display the Timer Record List.
5 Press [ENTER] to save the program.
The Timer Record List will appear.
6 Press [SETUP] to exit the Timer Record List.
7 Timer indicator will light or blinking. Power Off the DVD Recorder+VCR to start
the Timer Recording.
The Timer indicator lights on the front panel display when the DVD
Recorder+VCR is ready for the Timer Recording.
The tape timer indicator is blinking if any of the following meets if no
recordable tape is inserted. Both the disc and tape timer indicators are blinking
if tape and disc timer recordings are overlapped.
The DVD Recorder+VCR will automatically power off when the Timer
Recording ends.
There is a short delay when a timer recording finishes to confirm the recorded
program. If two timer recordings are set to record sequentially (one right after
the other), the very beginning of the later program may not be recorded.
Timer Recording
Timer Recording
Timer Recording
PR No. Date Start End Mode
---- --/-- --:-- --:-- ---
---- --/-- --:-- --:-- ---
---- --/-- --:-- --:-- ---
---- --/-- --:-- --:-- ---
---- --/-- --:-- --:-- ---
---- --/-- --:-- --:-- ---
---- --/-- --:-- --:-- ---
---- --/-- --:-- --:-- ---
Enter-Edit Setup-Exit Move …†
Edit Timer
PR No. PR-03
Date Jan/02 Sun
Start 13:30
End 14:30
Mode HQ
Repeat Once
Enter-Save Setup-Exit
Timer Recording
PR No. Date Start End Mode
PR03 01/02 13:30 14:30 HQ
---- --/-- --:-- --:-- ---
---- --/-- --:-- --:-- ---
---- --/-- --:-- --:-- ---
---- --/-- --:-- --:-- ---
---- --/-- --:-- --:-- ---
---- --/-- --:-- --:-- ---
---- --/-- --:-- --:-- ---
Enter-Edit Setup-Exit Move …†
Select Record Method
Please choose your preferred
method for scheduling
Manual edit timer
Enter-Confirm Setup-Exit Move …†
Timer Recording using Manual Set Record Screen
DF-L71D1P-UA/TA 04.11.24 11:51 PM 페이지47
Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

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