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Handling the Unit
When shipping the unit
The original shipping carton and packing materials come in handy. For maximum protection, re-pack the
unit as it was originally packaged at the factory.
When setting up the unit
The picture and sound of a nearby TV, VCR, or radio may be distorted during playback. In this case, position
the unit away from the TV, VCR, or radio, or turn off the unit after removing the disc.
To keep the surface clean
Do not use volatile liquids, such as insecticide spray, near the unit. Do not leave rubber or plastic products
in contact with the unit for a long period of time. They will leave marks on the surface.
Cleaning the Unit
To clean the cabinet
Use a soft, dry cloth. If the surfaces are extremely dirty, use a soft cloth lightly moistened with a mild
detergent solution. Do not use strong solvents such as alcohol, benzine, or thinner, as these might damage
the surface of the unit.
To obtain a clear picture
The DVD Recorder+VCR is a high-tech, precision device. If the optical pick-up lens and disc drive parts are
dirty or worn, the picture quality will be poor. Regular inspection and maintenance are recommended after
every 1,000 hours of use. (This depends on the operating environment.) For details, please contact your
nearest dealer.
Remote Control Operation Range
Point the remote control at the remote sensor and press the buttons.
Distance: Within 23 ft (7 m) of the remote sensor.
Angle: Within 30° in each direction of the remote sensor.
Remote Control Battery Installation
Detach the battery cover on the rear of the remote control, and insert two AAA
batteries. Make sure the polarities (+ and -) are aligned correctly.
Do not mix old and new batteries. Never mix different types of batteries (standard,
alkaline, etc.).
Video discs and some satellite broadcasts. If copy-protected material is encountered during a recording,
recording will pause or stop automatically and an error message will be displayed on-screen.
Video that is ‘copy-once only’ can only be recorded using DVD+RW discs with CPRM.
Copyright Notice
Audio and video recordings you make using the DVD Recorder+VCR are for your personal use only. You may
not sell, lend, or rent them to other people.
This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of certain
U.S.patents and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rights
owners. Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is
intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision
corporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.
DF-L71D1P-UA/TA 04.11.24 11:51 PM 페이지8
Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

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