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How to install and
operate the
A-series amplifiers
A2, A3, A4, A5, A6,
och A7
This owners manual is written in easy english and
uses a lot of drawings to simply the installation and
use of the above amplifiers.
Your DLS amplifier must be installed correctly in
order to work well. This manual will show you how
to install the amplifier like a pro. Please read the
entire manual before beginning the installation.
Install the amplifier yourself if you feel confident with
our instructions and if you have the proper tools.
However if you feel unsure, turn over the installa-
tion job to someone better suited to it.
Warranty Service
This amplifier is covered by warranty, depending
on the conditions in the country where it is sold. If
the amplifier is returned for service, please include
the original dated receipt with the product.
Technical Assistance
For technical assistance ask the shop where the
product was sold, or the distributor in your country.
You can always phone the DLS Helpdesk in Sweden
+ 46 31 84 00 60 or send an e-mail to info@dls.se.
Information can also be found on our WEB-site
Caution………………………..…….. 2
Installation…………………….……. 2
Tools and materials needed………. 3
Amplifier installation kit………….... 3
Routing Wires…………………….... 3
Power terminals.....……………..…. 4
Inputs and controls…….…………... 5
Input wiring................................... 5
Input level control.......................... 5
Phase control................................ 5
Remote bass level......................... 5
Protection circuits.......................... 5
Input & controls A7…………........... 6
Crossovers / filters………………..... 7
Crossovers / filters A7.................... 8
Professional tips............................ 9
Wiring examples:
DLS A2......................................... 10-11
DLS A3......................................... 12-13
DLS A4......................................... 14-16
DLS A5......................................... 17
DLS A6......................................... 18
DLS A7......................................... 19-22
Testing……………………………….. 23
Trouble-shooting…………………….. 23
Specifications………………………... 24-25
Approval of electromagnetic compatability
according to the EEC Directive 95/54/EC for
DLS A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7.
E 11 Approval No: 10R-020962

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