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Problem Solution
1 Motors appear to be weak After balancing the camera, launch the DJI Assistant App or the
DJI PC/MAC Assistant and press Auto Tune Stability. Wait for 
the process to nish and the stiffness settings will be displayed 
on the screen.
2 The gimbal is vibrating,
even after tapping the
Auto Tune Stability button
(1) Check to make sure all knobs are tight, including the pan
motor knob.
(2) Check to make sure the camera screw is tight. Push on the
camera plate to make sure it is not loose or sliding on the
gimbal’s camera mount.
(3) Try decreasing the stiffness setting of each axis. By looking 
at the "Power" readings for the axes, you should be able to 
tell if there is one particular axis being affected.
3 Pan axis seems to be 
Open the DJI Assistant App or DJI PC/MAC Assistant, select the
Calibrate Center and follow the on-screen instructions.
4 Ronin-M seems to be
Place the Ronin-M on the Tuning Stand and enter the DJI Assistant 
App or the DJI PC/MAC Assistant. Tap/click the Calibrate System 
button and let the process nish before picking up the Ronin-M.
5 SmoothTrack does not 
(1) Turn on the remote control and be sure that the MODE 
switch is not in Position 1 (the uppermost position).
(2) Check whether SmoothTrack is turned off in the DJI Assistant 
App or the DJI PC/MAC Assistant software.
(3) Check whether the SmoothTrack deadband is turned up too 
high. If it is, reduce the deadband value in the SmoothTrack 
6 Motors turn off
Check your camera balance. If the power level in the Gimbal
Motors Menu indicates an output of 10 or more, on any axis, 
rebalance the camera.
7 Gimbal turns off and
doesn’t come back on
Restart the gimbal. There is a motor protection algorithm built
into the Ronin-M to protect the electronic components. If any
particular motor enters a protection mode (motor shuts off six 
times within a one minute period), the Ronin-M will deactivate
the motors and will not reactivate them until the unit has been
8 Forgot the Bluetooth
Connect the Ronin-M to the DJI PC/MAC Assistant and click the
"Reset Password" button to reset the password. 
9 Video footage appears to
wobble from side-to-side
or up-and-down
The SmoothTrack speed setting is too high or the SmoothTrack 
deadband setting is too low. Decrease the SmoothTrack speed 
or increase the deadband.

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