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Clubmate II
Ordercode: D3264
For these applications the unit provides 1/4" TRS and XLR connectors to easily interface with most
professional audio devices. Follow the configuration examples below for your particular connection.
The DAP Audio Clubmate II requires almost no maintenance. However, you should keep the unit clean.
Disconnect the mains power supply and then wipe the cover with a damp cloth. Do not immerse in
liquid. Do not use alcohol or solvents.
Keep connections clean. Disconnect electric power and then wipe the connections with a damp cloth.
Make sure connections are thoroughly dry before linking equipment or supplying electric power.
Replacing a fuse
Power surges, short-circuit or inappropriate electrical power supply may cause a fuse to burn out. If the
fuse burns out, the product will not function whatsoever. If this happens, follow the directions below to do
1. Unplug the unit from electric power source.
2. Insert a flat-head screwdriver into a slot in the fuse cover. Gently pry up the fuse cover. The fuse will
come out.
3. Remove the broken fuse. If brown or unclear, it is burned out.
4. Insert the replacement fuse into the holder where the old fuse was. Reinsert the fuse cover. Be sure to
use a fuse of the same type and specification . See the product specification for details.
This troubleshooting guide is meant to help solve simple problems. If a problem occurs, carry out the steps
below in sequence until a solution is found. Once the unit operates properly, do not carry out following
1. If the device does not operate properly, unplug the device.
2. Check the fuse, power from the wall, all cables, etc.
3. If all of the above appears to be O.K., plug the unit in again.
4. If you are unable to determine the cause of the problem, do not open the device, as this may
damage the unit and the warranty will become void.
5. Return the device to your Dap Audio dealer.

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