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are sufficiently inflated. Never
use this product with low tire
pressure as this could result in
loss of control. You can find the
recommended inflation pressure
embossed on each tire.
9. Do not install a car seat or
any other seating device
not approved by CYBEX for
this particular product.
10. Using the product in unfavorable
weather conditions can result
in unsafe situations. Always
use good judgement when
deciding if conditions are
safe to use the product.
11. Do not allow any of the
child’s body, clothing, shoe
laces, or toys to come into
contact with moving parts.
12. A red reflector that complies
with local regulations must be
visible on the rear of this product
when it is used for cycling.
13. Before each ride, ensure the
attached trailer does not interfere
with the braking, pedaling,
or steering of the bicycle.
14. When using this product as
a bicycle trailer, please also
follow the owner’s manual of
the bicycle used for towing
and follow their specifications
regarding the maximum allowed
full load for the bicycle.
15. Before using the product, check
local regulations about where
and how to use the product.
16. The pulling bicycle must be
suitable for a bicycle trailer. It is
recommended that the bicycle
undergoes a safety check by a
qualified bicycle mechanic before
attaching it to the bicycle trailer.
17. Never ride a bicycle at
night without adequate
lighting. Obey all local legal
requirements for lighting.

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