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a) b) Push button underneath the handle bar and slide up upper part of handle bar to
extend it until it clicks in place. Shorten the handle bar by pushing the button again.
a) Pull the recline lever on the back of the seat to recline the backrest.
b) To raise it again just lift the backrest of the seat. The backrest can be engaged in 5
different positions.
a) Slide in latches on left and right side into gadgets sewn into the seat fabric.
b) Press buttons on left and right end of the bumper bar to take it off.
a) Press the leg rest on both front edges and push down.
b) Simply lift the leg rest to put it back to the starting position.
Slightly fold the stroller to reduce tension.
Remove the canopy from the stroller, if attached.
a) Take the seat cover’s hooks (3) off the frame on left and right side
Open the press buttons (4) of the straps connected to the seat side panels and the
basket rear tube.
Open the flaps (5) which are fixed with velcro over the tubes, one on each side.
Feed the strap with the slider (6) of the central harness buckle through the hole in the
seat fabric.
b) Feed the loops on the end of the shoulder straps through the triangle in the backrest
c) Feed the shoulder straps through the holes in the seat fabric (8).
Open the press buttons which are on the left and the right side from the seat on the
bottom from the fabric.
Pull the seat cover over the belt shifting button on the seat.
Slide the fabrics from the seat base tubes.
Remove all contents from the basket. If attached, ensure the canopy is folded back.
a) Push the primary lock lever underneath the pedal button.
Lift the pushed primary lock lever to release the stretching system.
b) Push down the secondary lock lever (extended bar on right side of the locking
c), d) Press the button at the handle bar and fold the buggy by pushing it slightly forward.
PLEASE NOTE: Keep the button pushed the whole time. To make folding easier lift the
locking lever with your foot. Fold the buggy together carefully until the safety clip is
securely locked.
e) The brake can be used even with a folded buggy. With a locked brake the folded
buggy can rest against a wall to prevent inadvertent rolling.
Pull the flexible carring handle on right rear tube and lift the stroller.
Reverse this procedure to refit the seat cover and the harness. Make sure that the
seat tubes slide back into the pockets inside the seat cover.
a) Attach the canopy adaptor on to the inside of the frame tubes of the buggy.
b) To remove the canopy reverse procedure.
c), d), e) Extend the canopy and place canopy rear flap behind the seat.
f) Lie-flat position: Put the rear flap over the seat’s back rest and fixate it with the two
velcros underneath.
g), h), i), The canopy is adjustable to various positions. The Canopy has a height
adjustment and a forward rotation function. To rotate open the zip located at the
top of the canopy.
The canopy has a fully ratcheting function to create complete coverage. Simply pull on
the front of the canopy to the desired position. The height can be easily adjusted by simply
sliding the canopy up or down the frame. The entire canopy can also be tilted forward. For
maximum coverage, unzip the extra panel on top of canopy and pull forward.
j) The canopy flap at the rear of the stroller can be rolled up and fixed with a velcro
fastener, if required.
Remove the canopy
a) Undo the press buttons that attach the seatcover with the rear frame.
b) Unhook the side panels at the left and right upper end out of the adaptor.
c) Open the adaptor on the left and the right side under the seat unit.
d) Pull out the complete sub seat towards the front of the buggy.
e) To attach the subseat reverse this procedure. Ensure that the buggy is not completely
Extend the rain cover over the stroller like shown in the image.
To fit the rain cover fasten the velcro strips around the frame at the top and bottom
on both sides of the buggy.
When you are done using your CYBEX CALLISTO, a proper disposal is important. Garbage
disposal may vary in every country. Please contact your local waste management
company to make sure you are taking the right steps to dispose of the CYBEX CALLISTO.
Always follow the disposal regulations of your country.
The following warranty applies solely in the country where this product was initially sold
by a retailer to a customer. The warranty covers all manufacturing and material defects,
existing and appearing, at the date of purchase or appearing within a term of two
(2) years from the date of purchase from the retailer who initially sold the product to
a consumer (manufacturer’s warranty). In the event that a manufacturing or material
defect should appear, we will – at our own discretion – either repair the product free of

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