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The user is responsible for the regular maintenance of the stroller.
1. It is particularly important to ensure that all moving parts
and mechanisms are treated regularly with dry lubricant.
After treatment wipe the product with a soft cloth.
2. Clean the frame with a soft damp cloth and mild
detergent, wiping away any excess water with a dry cloth.
3. It is important that brakes, wheels and tires are
not impaired during use. Inspect and clean them
regularly and repair or replace if necessary.
4. Examine the stroller regularly to see if any of the fasteners
are bent, broken, missing or loose. Tighten any loose
fasteners and replace any damaged or missing fasteners.
5. Should the stroller be exposed to salt water,
please rinse the frame with clean fresh
water as soon as possible afterwards.
6. Please always check the fabric care label before
washing, do not tumble dry, do not iron or dry clean.
Do not expose to direct sunlight when drying.
7. If the stroller is wet, leave it unfolded and allow
all parts to dry completely to prevent mold.
Never store in a damp environment.
8. We recommend using a rain cover in wet weather.
9. Do not make any modifications to the product. If you have
any complaints or problems, please contact your supplier
or importer.
10. A service should be scheduled every 24 months.
11. Use only original CYBEX replacement parts.
Cybex is distributed in Australia by Anstel Brands Pty Ltd.
Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded
under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a
replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation
for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You
are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the
goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does
not amount to a major failure. In addition to the rights that are
available to consumers under the Australian Consumer law,
all Cybex products come with a three-year warranty which
applies from the date of purchase.
This warranty guarantees that your Cybex product/s are free
from manufacturing and/or material defects provided they are
used in accordance with the intended use, during the period of
the applicable warranty term. The use of your Cybex product/s
must be in accordance with our user manual and instructions.
Failure to do so will void the warranty. This warranty does not
cover change of mind exchanges or returns.
This warranty is only applicable to Cybex product/s that have
been purchased in Australia. The warranty is non-transferable
and immediately expires if the Cybex product/s are sold, given
away, or obtained by anyone other than the original purchaser.
This warranty is limited to consumer buyers of the product/s
for their personal use. This warranty does not extend to
unauthorised purchasers of the product intended for resale, or
for purchasers who intend to use this product for commercial
use such as a childcare centre environment, and rental of the
product to others.
Defects caused by ordinary wear and tear, such as worn fabrics
by everyday use, scratches and natural discolouration of materials
over time, or by not following the maintenance instructions
1. Damage caused by accidents, improper use, negligence,
fire, contact with liquids or another external cause

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cybex Avi

Cybex Avi Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, English, Français, Espanõl - 68 pagina's

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