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Read the instructions carefully before use and
keep for future reference.
The CYBEX Agis M-Air3 / Agis M-Air4 / Eter-
nis M3 / Eternis M4 are suitable for new born
babies and designed to provide maximum
comfort for your child. They must be used in
the most reclined position until your child is
able to sit up unaided or able to pull themsel-
ves up.
y Never leave your child unattended.
y Always use the restraint system.
y Do not let your child play with this pro
y This product is not suitable for running
or skating.
y Ensure that all the locking devices are
engaged before use.
y To avoid injury ensure that your child is
kept away when unfolding and folding
this product.
y Check that the pram body or seat unit
or car seat and attachment devices are
correctly engaged before use.
y The CYBEX Agis M-Air3 / Agis M-Air4 /
imPorTANT iNFormATioN
Eternis M3 / Eternis M4 is only suitable
for children from birth up to 17 kg.
This product has been designed to carry a
child of 17 kg with a 5 kg load in the shopping
Always activate the brake before you place or
take your child out of the pushchair.
Do not attach any load, excluding the CYBEX
Cup Holder, to the handle and/or any other
part as this will affect the stability of the push
Never ascend or descend stairs or escalators
with the child inside.
When using a CYBEX Aton or Cloud Q with
the CYBEX Agis M-Air3 / Agis M-Air4 /
Eternis M3 / Eternis M4 pushchair, this vehicle
does not replace a cot or a bed. Should your
child need to sleep, then it should be placed
in a suitable pram, cot or bed.
This product is only intended for the use of
one child in the seat.
The maximum load for the frame attached to
the basket is 5.0 kg
Regularly inspect your CYBEX Agis M-Air3 /
Agis M-Air4 / Eternis M3 / Eternis M4 for any
signs of wear or damaged parts and refer to
the Maintenance and Cleaning instructions on
page 33.
Only use approved CYBEX accessories with
the CYBEX Agis M-Air3 / Agis M-Air4 / Eter-
nis M3 / Eternis M4.
Do not use if any part of the product is

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