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This warranty supersedes all previous warranties on the Cuisinart
Automatic Frozen Yogurt–Ice Cream & Sorbet Maker.
This warranty is available to consumers only. You are a consumer if you
own a Cuisinart
Flavor Duo
Automatic Frozen Yogurt–Ice Cream & Sorbet
Maker that was purchased at retail for personal, family or household use.
Except as otherwise required under applicable state law, this warranty is not
available to retailers or other commercial purchasers or owners.
We warrant that your Cuisinart
Flavor Duo
Automatic Frozen Yogurt–Ice
Cream & Sorbet Maker will be free of defects in material or workmanship
under normal home use for three years from the date of original purchase.
We suggest that you complete and return the enclosed warranty
registration card promptly to facilitate verification of the date of original
purchase. However, return of the warranty registration is not a condition of
these warranties.
If your Automatic Frozen Yogurt–Ice Cream & Sorbet Maker should prove
to be defective within the warranty period, we will repair it (or if we think nec-
essary, replace it) without charge to you. To obtain warranty service, please
call our Consumer Service Center toll-free at 1-800-726-0190 or write to:
150 Milford Road
East Windsor, NJ 08520
To facilitate the speed and accuracy of your return, please also enclose
$10.00 for shipping and handling of the product (California residents need
only supply proof of purchase and should call 1-800-726-0190 for shipping
instructions). Please also be sure to include a return address, description of
the product defect, product serial number, and any other information perti-
nent to the product’s return. Please pay by check or money order.
Your Cuisinart
Automatic Frozen Yogurt–Ice Cream & Sorbet Maker has
been manufactured to strict specifications and has been designed for use
with the Cuisinart
Automatic Frozen Yogurt–Ice Cream & Sorbet Maker
accessories and replacement parts. These warranties expressly exclude any
defects or damages caused by accessories, replacement parts or repair ser-
vice other than those that have been authorized by Cuisinart.
These warranties do not cover any damage caused by accident, misuse,
shipment or other than ordinary household use.
These warranties exclude all incidental or consequential damages.
Some states do not allow the exclusion of or limitation of incidental or
consequential damages, so the foregoing limitation may not apply to you.
California law provides that for In-Warranty Service, California residents have
the option of returning a nonconforming product (A) to the store where it was
purchased or (B) to another retail store which sells Cuisinart
products of the
same type. The retail store shall then, at its choice, either repair the product,
refer the consumer to an independent repair facility, replace the product, or
refund the purchase price less the amount directly attributable to the con-
sumer’s prior usage of the product. If either of the above two options does
not result in the appropriate relief to the consumer, the consumer may then
take the product to an independent repair facility if service or repair can be
economically accomplished. Cuisinart and not the consumer will be respon-
sible for the reasonable cost of such service, repair, replacement, or refund
for nonconforming products under warranty.
California residents may also, at their preference, return nonconforming
products directly to Cuisinart for repair or, if necessary, replacement by call-
ing our Consumer Service Center toll-free at 800-726-0190. Cuisinart will
be responsible for the cost of the repair, replacement, and shipping and han-
dling for such nonconforming products under warranty.
Important: If the nonconforming product is to be serviced by someone other
than Cuisinart’s Authorized Service Center, please remind the servicer to
call our Consumer Service Center to ensure that the problem is properly
diagnosed, the product serviced with the correct parts, and to ensure that
the product is still under warranty.
ICE-40 IB-4087A 3/5/04 10:51 AM Page 15

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