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2. Use the Hour and/or Minute button to
change the Remaining Time during
Cooking/Keep Warm. The unit will
continue to cook/keep warm.
Note: This function will not work
for all cooking functions.
1. Select the Reheat function by pressing
the Menu button.
2. Your current selection will be displayed
on the LCD screen.
3. Start reheating by pressing the
a. The white Start LED will light to
indicate that the unit is reheating.
4. During and after reheating:
a. The current time will be displayed
during the first portion of the
reheating process. A tone will sound
and the Remaining Time will count
down when there are approximately
10 to 15 minutes remaining in the
process. For a list of approximated
cooking times, see page 10.
b. Once reheating time has expired, the
unit will automatically switch to Keep
Warm. The blue Keep Warm LED will
light and the LCD will display the
remaining Keep Warm Time. The unit
will remain on Keep Warm for up to
24 hours. When the Keep Warm Time
expires, the unit will turn off
c. To turn off the unit at any time, press
the Off button.
d. Once you are ready to serve, press
the Lid Release button to open the
e. Fluff contents (if applicable) with
paddle or utensil suitable for non-
stick cookware.
f. Lift and remove the cooking pot from
the unit using pot holders.
1. Unplug your cooker and allow it to cool
before cleaning.
2. Cooking pot, steaming rack, steam
release vent, inner lid, measuring cup,
paddle and spoon can be washed
in warm soapy water and rinsed
thoroughly, or washed in the dishwasher.
Dry all parts after every use.
If food sticks to the surface of the
cooking pot, fill with warm, soapy water
and allow to soak before cleaning.
3. If scouring is necessary, use a
nonabrasive cleanser or liquid detergent
with a nylon pad or brush.
4. Wipe base of unit with a soft, damp
cloth or micro fiber towel. NEVER
5. Make sure all parts are cool before
storing. Store unit in a clean dry place.
6. Any other servicing should be performed
by an authorized service representative.
We recommend rinsing all imported rice.
Place rice in a medium bowl and cover
with water. Do not use the cooking bowl.
Swirl until the water appears cloudy, then
drain in a fine mesh strainer. Fill the bowl
with fresh water and repeat until water is
clear or nearly clear.
Some people wash domestic (not
imported) rice, which is usually vitamin-
enriched. This removes the starch and
makes it less sticky, but it also washes
away some of those vitamins.
Sushi rice and most brown rice should
always be rinsed before cooking. Follow
the directions on the package your rice
comes in.
Brown rice should be kept on the Keep
Warm setting for no more than 2 hours.
If kept at that setting longer, the rice may
begin to ferment.
When measuring rice with your rice
cooker cup, level it off with a table knife
or spatula.
Adding a teaspoon of vegetable oil to rice
or coating the cooking bowl lightly with
nonstick cooking spray will result in rice
with separated, less sticky grains.
After adding rice to the cooking bowl, level
it off to cover the entire bottom of the bowl
so it cooks evenly.
The taste of the water will affect the taste
of the rice. If you do not like the taste of
your tap water, use filtered water.
Rice can be cooked in liquids other than

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