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This package contain’s a
Premier Series
14-Cup Food Processor
and the standard parts
for it:
Work bowl, work bowl
cover, large and small
pushers, PowerPrep
Dough blade, metal chop-
ping/mixing blade, slicing
disc, shredding disc,
detachable disc stem for
discs, spatula, how-to video
and recipe and
instruction books.
EDGES. To avoid injury
when unpacking the
parts, please follow
these instructions:
1. Place the box on a low
table or on the floor
next to the kitchen
counter or table where
you intend to keep the
food processor. Be
sure the box is right
side up.
2. Remove the cardboard
insert. You will see a
rectangular block of
plastic foam that holds
the processor parts,
each fitted into a cavity
of the foam.
3. The Detachable Disc
Stem for the discs
(A) sits in a cavity
in one corner of the
foam block. Remove
this first.
4. The Pusher Assembly,
with large and small
pushers, (B) sits in
the adjacent cavity.
Remove this next.
5. The PowerPrep
Dough Blade (C) rests
in a cavity on the
opposite side of the
foam block. Remove
it from the foam.
6. The plastic Spatula (D)
is on one long side of
the foam block.
Remove it next.
7. The Slicing Disc (E)
is on the edge of one
of the long sides of
the foam block; the
Shredding Disc (F)
is on the other side.
Slide them out WITH
8. Lift out the foam block.
9. Remove the instruction
and recipe books.
10. Lift out the video
from its space in the
cardboard frame on
one side of the box.
Then lift out the
cardboard frame.
11. The housing base with
work bowl, metal blade
and cover is at the
bottom of the box.
The metal blade is
loose in the work bowl
beneath a foam insert.
Do not reach into feed
tube. Do not turn over
work bowl without first
removing metal blade.
Remove work bowl
cover by turning it
clockwise and lifting.
12. Remove the base
and bowl together by
grasping the plastic
bowl at the top with
both hands and lifting
the bowl straight up.
Do not rotate the bowl
clockwise on the base.
This will cause the bowl
to separate from the
13. Place the food proces-
sor on the counter or
table. Remove foam
cylinder insert from top
of metal chopping
blade. Read the
instructions thoroughly
before using the
14. Save the shipping
cartons and plastic
foam blocks. You will
find them very useful if
you need to repack the
processor for moving
or other shipment.
Please watch the
enclosed How-to Video
before using the food
NOTE: Remember to
return your completed
warranty card with all
information carefully
filled out.
03CU13537 DLC-2014N IB-5056 10/2/03 11:34 AM Page 4

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