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Before you make the first pot of coffee in your
new Cuisinart
Fully Automatic Burr Grind &
Brew™ Thermal Coffeemaker, we recommend
operating the coffeemaker once, using only
water and a paper filter. This will remove any
dust or residues that remain in the system from
the manufacturing process.
1. Fill the Water Reservoir
Open the reservoir lid. Pour the desired
amount of water in the reservoir using the
water level window indicator. Close the
reservoir lid. Note: Do not exceed the 12-
cup line. Doing so may cause the carafe to
2. Add Coffee Grounds
a. Open filter door. Add ground coffee to
our permanent or #4 paper filter. Our
recipe suggestion: Use 1 level scoop of
ground coffee per cup. Adjust the
amount according to your individual
b. Place filter basket lid in place. Close filter
NOTE: The maximum capacity for ground coffee
is 16 level scoops, using either a paper or
permanent filter. Exceeding that amount may
cause overflow if the coffee is too finely ground.
3. Brewing
A. Immediate Grinding and Brewing
1. Press the Grind Off button. When this
function is activated, an amber LED will
be illuminated.
2. Press the On button. The indicator will
light and the process will begin.
B. Programmed Brewing
Press the Program button. The indicator will
light and the display will show the
programmed time for as long as the button
is depressed. The display reverts back to
time of day once the button is released. (To
set the programmed time, see
Programming Your Coffeemaker on page 8.)
1. Press the Grind Off button. When this
function is activated, an amber LED will
be illuminated.
2. The coffeemaker will begin brewing at
the programmed time.
Always turn coffeemaker off and remove the
plug from the electrical outlet before cleaning.
After every use, open filter basket door by
pressing filter basket door release button.
Remove filter basket cover, filter basket and
gold tone filter or paper filter. Discard ground
coffee and paper filter.
The filter, filter basket and filter basket cover can
be washed in warm soapy water and rinsed
thoroughly, or cleaned in the upper rack of the
dishwasher. Dry all parts after every use.
Remove the carafe from the heating plate.
Discard any remaining coffee. The carafe and lid
can be washed in warm soapy water and rinsed
We suggest cleaning the hopper and coffee
chute every 1-2 weeks depending on frequency
of use.
To clean the hopper, remove hopper container
and lid by turning the hopper container release
knob to the unlocked position. Discard any
leftover coffee beans.
The hopper container and hopper container lid
can be washed in warm soapy water and rinsed
thoroughly, or cleaned in the upper rack of the
dishwasher. Dry all parts after every use.
NOTE: Do not put any water in the unit once the
hopper container has been removed. If water
gets into the grinder motor, the motor may
become damaged and may malfunction.
Wipe the area under the hopper container with
a damp cloth.
The coffee channel cover can be flipped back
for easy cleaning of the coffee chute. Push the
coffee channel cover tab away from you and lift
up. Use the brush to remove any ground coffee
that remains. Brush grounds toward you (when
facing the unit head-on) and pull the grind chute
lever toward you to send grounds through the
chute. Be sure the filter basket is in place to
catch the grounds.
NOTE: Failing to properly clean the coffee chute
may lead to grind accumulations which can
result in weak-tasting coffee.
Do not use scouring agents or harsh cleansers
on any part of the coffeemaker.
Never immerse base unit in water or other liquid.
To clean base, simply wipe with a clean, damp

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