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Once the deep fryer is assembled properly and you are ready to
begin frying:
1. Pour fresh oil into the removable bowl
between the Min and Max markers.
We recommend Max (2.2L) level for
most recipes. The embossed markers
are indicated on the removable bowl.
2. See assembly illustration (Fig. 5)
regarding power cord. Always attach
cord to fryer before plugging into
standard electrical outlet.
3. Turn the temperature knob clockwise to
the recommended temperature setting.
The power light will turn to red and
the oil will begin to heat up. Hang the
basket (empty) (Fig. 6).
4. After approximately 15 minutes, the ready light will turn green indicating
desired frying temperature has been reached. Place food in the basket in
a single layer with space between them. For optimal results, use only a
single layer and do not stack items.
Gently submerge basket into hot oil to
begin frying.
5. The mechanical timer can be set to a
recommended time. To set, turn the
timer past 10-min mark, then set
desired time. The timer signal (a ding)
reminds you that your cooking time
has been completed. Important: The
signal does not automatically shut
off the unit. The thermostat knob
must be turned to off to stop frying.
6. We recommend keeping the lid on during frying.
7. Once the food is done, open the lid and hang it on the lid hook (Fig. 7),
then raise the basket and hook it on the basket hook to drain oil.
8. As soon as oil has drained, remove the basket and place food on a
plate lined with paper towels.
Never turn on unit without oil in the removable bowl. Do not use
the deep fryer when the oil is below the minimum level.
The deep fryer should be connected to power supply only after it
has been filled with oil.
thermal-cutoff will automatically shut off power. PLEASE NOTE:
Caution: Before cleaning appliance, make sure it has cooled down completely.
The Cuisinart
Deep Fryer is designed to be especially easy to clean. The
basket, basket handle, lid with filter are all top shelf dishwasher safe. The
removable bowl with heating element is fully immersible for washing.
1. Make sure the oil is cool enough (about 2 hours after use) and the deep
fryer is unplugged before cleaning.
2. Either discard used oil or filter it for future use. Bowl is designed so oil can
be poured from any corner without spills and drips. Pour oil into a sealable
container to discard or save for future use. Please refer to the tips and
hints section in the Recipe Booklet for instruction on how to properly filter
and re-use oil.
3. To clean exterior, wipe with a soft dry cloth. Never use an abrasive cleaner
or harsh pad.
Figure 6
Figure 7
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