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Owner’s Manual 3
Safety Precaution
Safety Precautions
To prevent injury to the user or other people and property damage, the following instructions must be followed.
n Incorrect operation due to ignoring instruction will cause harm or damage. The seriousness is classified by
the following indications.
This symbol indicates the possibility of death or serious injury.
This symbol indicates the possibility of injury or damage.
Always ground the product.
• There is a risk of electric shock.
Do not use a defective or underrated
circuit breaker. Use the correctly rated
breaker and fuse.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock .
Do not use a multi outlet. Always use
this appliance on a dedicated circuit and
• There is risk of fire or electric shock.
For electrical work, contact the dealer, seller,
a qualified electrician, or an Authorized
Service Center. Do not disassemble or repair
the product by yourself.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock.
Always ground the product as per the
wiring diagram. Do not connect the
ground wire to gas or water pipes
lightening rod or telephone ground wire.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock.
Install the panel and the cover of control
box securely.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock due to
dust , water etc.
Use the correctly rated breaker or fuse.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock.
Do not modify or extend the power
cable. If the power cable or cord has
scratches or skin peeled off or
deteriorated then it must be replaced.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock.
For installation, removal or reinstall ,
always contact the dealer or an
Authorized Service Center.
• There is risk of fire, electric shock, explosion,
or injury.
Do not install the product on a defective
installation stand. Be sure that the
installation area does not deteriorate with
• It may cause product to fall.
Never install the unit on a moving base
or a place from where it can fall down.
• The falling unit can cause damage or injury
or even death of a person.
When the product is soaked (flooded or
submerged) in water , contact an
Authorized Service Center for repair
before using it again.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock.
Be sure to check the refrigerant to
be used. Please read the label on the
• Incorrect refrigerant can prevent the normal
operation of the unit.
Don't use a power cord, a plug or a
loose socket which is damaged.
• Otherwise it may cause a fire or electrical
Do not touch , operate, or repair
the product with wet hands.
• There is risk of electric shock or fire.

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