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Tasty Rice
Mixed Rice
Rice 6 cups
*The cup in ingredients means a measuring cup in the rice cooker. 1 cup (180cc) is for one person.
Put clean-washed rice in the inner pot and pour water by water gradation 6.
Firstly, lock the cover, and select [Glutinous Rice] in the menu, and then push the
[Pressure Cook/Turbo] button.
Mix rice when cooking is finished.
Boiled Rice
According to gradation on the inside of inner pot, when cooking with newly harvested rice the amount
of water should be less than the gradation, and when cooking with old rice the amount of water should
be more than gradation.(Control the amount of water according to preference of each family)
3 cups of rice, 1 1/2 cup of pea, 1 tablespoonful of sake, 1 1/2 teaspoonful of salt
Boil pea before cooking.
As for peas, add salt into them, wash them clean and extract water from them.
Put cleanly washed rice into My Caldron, season them with sake and salt, and pour water
up to white rice water graduation 3.
Place peas on top of them, press MENU button after locking the lid, select [Glutinous
Rice], and press [Pressure Cook/Turbo] button.
When the cooker comes to Heat Preservation mode, mix the cooked grains properly.
Pea Rice
2 cups of rice, a cup of barley
Prepare boiled barley with a cup of barley.
Wash rice clean, and after putting it in My Caldron along with boiled barley, pour water up
to white rice water graduation 3.
Lock the lid, press MENU button, and after selecting [Mixed Rice], press [Pressure Cook/Turbo].
Once the cooker comes to Heat Preservation mode, mix the cooked grains properly.
Boiled Barley
Five-grain Rice
Wash rice, glutinous rice, millet and sorghum clean and scoop them with a landing net.
Boil red beans on high heat, and then put only water in which red beans were boiled in another bowl.
Put rice, glutinous rice, millet and sorghum on a landing net into the inner pot and pour
water in which red beans were boiled and water by white rice water gradation 3.
Put the boiled red beans, and then lock the cover. After select [Mixed Rice] in the menu,
push the [Pressure Cook/Turbo] button.
Mix rice when cooking is finished.
Rice 1.5cup, millet1/3cup, glutinous rice1/2cup, red beans 1/3cup,
sorghum1/3cup and salt 1 teaspoon
Oriental medicine calls red beans as Jeoksodu which holds moisture, removes steam and
discharges accumulated pus as well as relieving edema by making thirst and diarrhea
stopped and bladder empty.
If peas and kidney beans etc are stored in the refrigerator, they change in color and
decrease in freshness fast. Therefore, immediately after retting the materials from the
market, blanch them slightly, place them in the refrigerator, and whenever they are needed,
take them out to use them in natural color and freshness.
Store peas as follows

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Cuckoo CRP-N06 Fuzzy Series Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 12 pagina's

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