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Brown rice 4 cups
Put washed brown rice into the inner pot, and then put it into the inner pot and pour water by
water gradation.
After locking the cover and choosing [GABA Rice] in the menu, push the button of [Pressure
Cook/Turbo] button after setting up the time of germinated brown rice for four hours.
Mix rice when cooking is finished.
Control the time of germinated brown rice according to each preference.
When cooking with germinated brown rice, set up germinating time for 0 hour if you want to
have 100% boiled brown rice without germination.
Boiled Fresh
Germinated Brown Rice
Brown rice 1 cup, rice 2 cups and red beans 1/3 cup
Boil red beans until it become soft, but not to break the shape of red beans and separate it
from water.
Wash brown rice clean and put it in the inner pot. Put the boiled red beans after pouring
water by germinated brown rice water scale 3 .
After locking the cover and choosing [GABA Rice] in the menu, push [Pressure
Cook/Turbo] button after setting up the time of germinated brown rice for four hours.
Mix rice when cooking is finished.
Boiled Brown Rice with
Red Beans
Mixed Rice
Well-being Boiled Rice
2 cups of brown rice, 3g of green tea leaf, 10g of green tea powder,
4 nuggets of chicken chest flesh, a little bit of olive oil, a little bit of salt,
a little bit of pepper, 5g of celery, a little bit of lime, a little bit of rosemary
Wash brown rice clean, put the brown rice into My Caldron along with 10g of green tea
powder and 3g of green tea leaf, and pour water up to brown rice water graduation 2.
Lock the lid, press MENU button, and after selecting [GABA] and setting Germinated
Brown Rice Time to 3 hours, press [Pressure Cook/Turbo] button.
Pickle chicken chest flesh in salt and pepper for 1 hour or so, put olive oil in the pan, and
after frying the flesh in the pan, slice it thin.
Prepare lime by slicing it in half moon shape, and prepare shredded celery.
When the cooker comes to heat preservation mode, mix the cooked grains properly, and
after placing germinated brown rice and chicken chest flesh in the vessel, add lime and
10 Long Points of Green Tea
Anticarcinogenic property, anti-aging effect, prevention of lifestyle disease, prevention of
obesity and diet, detoxication of heavy metals and nicotine, recovery from fatigue and
removal of hangover, treatment of constipation, prevention of caries, prevention of
acidification of constitution, inhibition of inflammation and bacterial contagion.
Green Tea Rice Blended
with Chicken Chest Flesh
2 cups of brown rice and some sprouts and vegetables
Seasoning red pepper paste : Red pepper paste 1/2cup, beef (crushed) 40g, sesame oil
1 tablespoon, honey 1 tablespoon and sugar 1 tablespoon
Wash brown rice clean, put it into the inner pot and pour water by germinated brown rice water scale 2 .
After locking the cover and choosing [GABA] in the menu, push [Pressure Cook/Turbo] button after
setting up the time of germinated brown rice for 3 hours.
Pour sesame oil in a pot and stir-fry the crushed beef. Stir-fry it a little more after stirring up it with red
pepper paste and 1/3cup of water in order to be thick put sugar, honey and sesame oil.
After stirring up rice when it is changes to heating mode, put the prepared sprouts and vegetables on
germinated brown rice.
Put red pepper paste so that sprouts may not cause a mess.
Saessak Bibimbap
(rice with sprout and vegetables)
Broccoli sprout : Prevention of cancer,
Chinese cabbage sprout : Good for stomach and improve constipation
Turnip sprout : improve hepatitis and jaundice,
Cabbage sprout : include selenium, preventing aging and cancer
Daikon sprout : Lowers body heat heat and makes swelling subside
Wheat sprout : purify blood

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Cuckoo CRP-M1059F Series Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 37 pagina's

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