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Case Check points Do the following
Because of pressure.
Pull the pressure weight to aside once and
exhaust the steam perfectly.
This is the sound of the fan motor to cool the
internal parts. This is normal.
The “Chi” sound during the warming process
is the sound of IH cooker operating. This is
Is there a wind blowing sound when
cokking the rice?
Is there a “Chi” sound when warming the
When the top cover
cannot open although
the Lock/Unlock handle
to “Unlock”.
When you hear
weird noises
during cooking
and warming
Clean the packing with duster.
Keep to be clean near the packing.
If the steam is exhausted the top cover,
please power off and contact the service
center and dealer.
Packing life cycle is 12 month, please replace
the packing per 1 year.
Is there alien substance on the packing?
Is packing too old?
When the steam
exhausted between the
top cover.
Keep pressing the Cancel button for
2 seconds for safety reason if you like to
cancel while cooking.
Be carefully of hot steam emission or hot
contents spattered from the automatic steam
outlet when cancelation.
Is the inner pot hot?
When the Cancel
button does not
operated while
Don’t open the top cover while cooking.
If you want to open top cover while
cooking, press the Cancel button more than
2 seconds and exhaust the steam.
Pull the pressure weight to aside once and
exhaust the steam perfectly.
Did you turn the Lock/Unlock handle while
Did you turn the Lock/Unlock handle
before exhausting steam perfectly?
When cannot turn to
Set the current time. (Refer to page 10)
Check the AM, PM.
Maximum reservation time is 13 hours.
(Refer to page 20)
Please put in the inner pot perfectly.
The Lock/Unlock handle to "Unlock".
Pull the pressure weight to aside once.
Is the current time correct?
Is it right AM or PM?
Did you set the reservation time over
13 hours?
Did you clean it after cooking? Please clean it after cooking.
Is the inner pot correctly put in the
main body?
Is the Lock/Unlock handle on the top
cover set to “Lock”?
Is there hot thing in the inner pot?
When the time
cannot be preset.
When you smell after
and before cooking?
Does the quantity of rice exceed the
specified maximum capacity?
Is the Brown rice too old?
Put the specified maximum capacity of
Brown rice.
Dried or contaminated rice may mot be
germinated properly. (Refer to page 17)
Brown rice is not
germinated properly
When the top cover
cannot be closed.

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