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If there is a problem with your cooker, check the following details before requesting service to your dealer.
Sometimes the cooker may not operate as desired if used incorrectly.
When the rice is not cooked.
When the rice is not well
Bean (other grains)is half
Rice is too watery or stiff.
When the water overflows.
When you smell odors while
“ , , ”
Signs show up.
“ ” Signs show up.
Rice has gotten cold or a lot of
water flow during Keeping warm
If “ ” sign is appeared.
Pressure Cook/Turbo “button is pressed?
Is there power cut while in cooking?
Did you use the measuring cup for the rice?
Did you put proper amount of water?
Did you rinse the rice before cooking?
Did you put rice in water for a long time?
Is the rice old or dry?
Is been (other grains) too dry?
Is the menu selected correctly?
Did you properly measure water?
Did you open the top cover before
cooking was finished?
Did you use the measuring cup?
Did you use proper amount of water?
Is the menu selected correctly?
Did you close the top cover?
Please check it the power cord is plugged.
Did it warm over 12 hours?
Is there any other substance such as rice
scoop or cold rice?
Is been (other grains) too dry?
Temperature sensor or fan motor does
not work properly.
Keeping warm was set in “Sleeping”
It shows on the display when pressing
“Start” button again, or when the cooking
has finished and you've never ever open
turned the handle to “Unlock”
Warming passed time mark
blinks during keeping warm.
24 hours has not passed yet after
Keeping warm
Do the following
Keep warm after cancelling or setting “Sleep Keeping
Warm” mode depending on the necessity.
It can be solved by turning handle to “Unlock”
and then turn to “Lock”
This function alarms if the rice remained warm
for more than 24 hours.
Unplug the power cord and call the Service center.
“ ” sign shows up
Detachable cover is not mounted
Alarm sounds or reheating does
not work while keeping warm
Is detachable cover mounted?
Mount detachable cover(Refer to page 12)
Mount detachable cover(Refer to page 12)
If “ ” sign is displayed continuously even
though you already installed detachable cover,
please contact customer service.
Select the correct menu.
Properly measure water.
Open the top cover after cooking finished
Refer to page 17-18
Select the correct menu.
Properly measure water.
Open the top cover after cooking finished
Soak or steam beans and other grains before
cooking in the pressure cooker in order to avoid
partially cooked beans or grains. Beans should be
soaked for -2-minutes or steamed for-2- minutes
prior to cooking, depending on your taste.
Refer to page 17-18
Add water about half the notch and then cook.
Press the “Pressure Cook button once.
And check “ ” sign on the display.
Re-press the “Pressure Cook/Turbo” button.

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