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Do not insert metal objects
such as pins, wires or any
other extermal substances
in the automatic syeam
exhauster or any other spot.
It can cause an electric shock or fire.
Especially be careful to keep it out of reach of
Damages by impact can cause an
electric shock or fire.
Please check the power cord and plug frequently.
Be careful that both the plug
and power cord are not to be
bit by animals, or pierced by
sharp metal materials.
It can cause an electric shock or
short circuit resulting in fire.
Please check the power cord and plug frequently.
Do not bend, tie or pull the
power cord by force.
Do not use pots that are not
designed for the cooker.
Do not use abnormal pot and
do not use without inner pot.
It can cause an electric shock or fire.
<Inner pot>
Do not cover the automatic
steam outlet or pressure
weight with a duster, a
towel, or apron, etc.
It can cause deformation or a breakdown.
It can cause an explosion by pressure.
Do not spray or put any
insecticide chemicals.
It can cause an electric shock or fire.
If cockroaches or any insects get inside
the cooker, please call a dealer or a service center.
Do not put any types of needle or pins into
the ventilator or any gap of the cooker.
Do not turn the Lock/Unlock Handle to
“Unlock” during cooking
The hot steam or any hot content within the cooker
can cause burns.
After you finish the cooking do not try to open the
cooker by force until the steam is completely
Do not insert cleaning pins to other parts except to
the valve hole of the pressure weight.
It can cause an electric shock or fire.
Keep the cooker out of children's reach.
It can cause burns, electric shock or injury.
Do not use it without the inner pot
It can cause electric shock or malfunction.
Do not pour rice or water without the inner pot
If rice or water gets in then do not turn the product
over or shark it please contact to dealer or service
Do not place heavy things on the power cord.
It can cause an electric shock or fire.
Remove external substances on plug with
a clean cloth.
It can cause fire.
Please check the power cord and plug frequently.
Do not open the top cover during heating
or cooking.
It can cause burns.
If you need to open the lid while cooking, keep
pressing the cancel button for 2 seconds and
confirm internal steam is released, completely
turning the pressure weight over.
Warning Do not

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