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48 | KIDS BMX | EN
With many detergents and given a low
level of soiling simply spraying and rins-
ing off after the specified time for them
to work is sufficient.
You can remove stubborn dirt after the
working time for example with a radiator
paintbrush before rinsing off.
Cleaning, lubrication and preserving
agents are chemical products.
Incorrect use can damage your bike.
Only use products expressly suit-
able for bikes.
Ensure that these products do not
attack either paint, rubber, plastic
or metal parts etc. Consult your
Follow the respective manufacturer‘s
4. Rinse the entire bike with a gentle water jet
and allow it to dry.
5. Clean the chain.
Drip a suitable chain cleaner into a clean,
spirit-free cotton cloth and wipe the chain
When doing so slowly operate the crank
against the direction of drive.
Repeat this process as often as possible
with a clean area of the cloth until the
chain is clean.
Allow the cleaner to evaporate for about
an hour.
If cleaner remains between the chain
links the new grease will be immedi-
ately broken down and will be totally
Sparingly apply a lubricant suitable for
bicycle chains to the chain links.
Greases for motor cycle chains will gum
up your bike chain and the drive chain
Only use lubricants expressly approved
for use with bike chains.
If too much lubricant is used it can drip
onto the rim and brake disk and con-
taminate them. This will reduce the ef-
fectiveness of the brakes
Remove excessive lubricant on the
chain using a clean, dry and spirit-
free cotton cloth.
Clean the rim and brake disk with a
suitable degreasing agent. Please
consult your dealer.
If wax polish spray or a preserving agent
gets onto the rim or brake disks and/
or brake blocks the effectiveness of the
brakes will be reduced.
Clean these parts using a suitable
degreasing agent. Please consult
your dealer.
6. Clean any remaining very dirty parts by hand
using a clean spirit-free cotton cloth using a
suitable detergent.
7. Spray the entire bike with a suitable wax
polish or similar preserving agent.
Brake blocks or brake pads
Rims in the case of rim brakes
Brake disks
8. Polish your bike after the prescribed working
time using a clean, spirit-free cotton cloth.
9. Clean the brake blocks, brake pads, rims (in
the case of rim brakes) and brake disks by
hand using a clean, spirit-free cloth using a
suitable degreasing agent.

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Cube Kinder BMX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 53 pagina's

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