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Your amplifier is equipped with a protection circuit, which avoids serious damages on the device and your vehicle’s electrical system by shutting down the operation.
The amplifier is in PROTECTION-Mode, if the red LED is lighting up. The amplifier usually tries to start again the operation immediatley, but if the problem is still
existing, the red LED stays on red. The following problems may occurred:
Short Circuit Protection engaged: Check all speaker-, audio- and power supply connections for short circuits.
Thermal Protection engaged: After turning off it takes several minutes until the amplifier turns on again after cooling down.
In this case, ensure that the amplifier’s heatsink have a sufficient cooling air. No obstruction should be within 2"/5cm of the amplifier heatsink on on all sides and top.
If extreme high outdoor temperatures are prevailed, the amplifier should not be used or should be cooled by external fans. If the thermal problems are still prevailed,
check again the speaker impdeance. Too low impedance may cause also a thermal problem.
Overload Protection engaged: Check again the speaker impdeance. Too low impedance may cause overload problems.
Too low voltage (below 10 Volts) and insufficient power supply may cause overload problems of the amplifier. Check and improve the power supply.
System does not turn on
1. Check all fuses.
2. Check all connections.
3. Measure the +12 volt and remote turn on voltages at the amplifier terminals. If these are non existent or low, take voltage measurements at fuse holders,
distribution blocks, the head unit’s +12 volt and remote leads to localize the problem.
Noise problems
1. Check the speaker wiring.
2. Speakers are damaged.
No Signal at Channels
1. Set Balance and Fader from head unit on Zero-Position.
2. Check wiring (Amplifier,Speakers).
3. Speakers are damaged.
Hiss or white noise
1. Speakers are overload.
2. High levels of white noise usually occurs when amplifier level controls are turned up too high - readjust according to the procedures in
section ”Setting up systems after installation for best performance.”
3. Another major problem that can cause excessive hiss, is a noisy head unit - unplug the amplifier input RCA cables, and if the hiss level
reduces, the source unit is at fault.
No Stereo-Sound or Low Output
1. Check speaker wiring (-and+).
Amplifier Protection-Mode (red LED is illuminated)
1. Speaker cabels are shorted
2. Inadequate cooling - relocate or remount to provide better natural airflow over the fins.
Driving high power levels into low impedances - back off on the volume control, and/or make sure you are not loading the amplifier with
less than the recommended loudspeaker impedance.
3. Make sure that the battery voltage, as measured at the amplifier’s +12 volt and ground terminals, is 11 volts or more.
Trouble Shooting
The reason for interferences are mostly the passed cables and wires. Especially the power and audio cables (RCA) of your sound system are vulnerable. Often these
interferences are caused by electric generators or other electrical units (fuel pump, A/C etc.) of the car. The most of these problems can be prevented by a correct and careful
wiring. Here are some courtesy notes:
1. Use only double or triple shielded audio RCA cables for the connection between the amplifier and headunit.
2. Do not lead the audio cables between the headunit and the amplifier together with the power supply wires on the same side of the vehicle. The best is a areal separated
installation in the left and right cable channel of the vehicle. Therewith a overlap of interferences on the audio signal will be avoided. This stands also for the equipped bass-
remote wire, which should be installed not together with the power supply wires, but rather with the audio signal cables.
3. Avoid ground loops by connecting all ground connections in a starlike arrangement. The suitable ground center point is ascertainable by measuring of the voltage directly
on the vehicle’s battery by a multi-meter. You should measure the voltage with turned-on inginition (acc.) and with other turned-on power consumers (e.g. headlights, rear
window defroster, etc,).Compare the measured value with the voltage of the ground point you have choosen for the installation and the positive pole (+12V) of the amplifier. If
the voltage has just a little difference, you have found a suitable ground point. Otherwise you need to choose a other ground point.
4. Use if possible only cables with added or soldered cable sockets or the like. Gold plated or high value nickel plated cable sockets are corrosionfree and own a very low
contact resistance.

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