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GTX2400 - GTX2600
Do not connect loudspeaker cables with the vehicle chassis.
Always ensure the correct polarity of all connections.
INTERCONNECTION EXAMPLE 1-Channel Mode: 1x Mono Subwoofer bridged
Use the bass enhancement with care.
A high bass boost may cause damage to your speakers and hearing abilities.
Connect the RCA lineouts of the headunit with the RCA jacks LINE INPUT of the amplifier with appropriate high-value RCA cables.
If your headunit is equipped with a additional subwoofer lineout (SUB OUT), it is recommended to use this lineout.
Connect the subwoofer with the speaker outputs (SPEAKER OUTPUT + BRIDGED -) by using appropriate wires.
Ensure by any means, that the total impedance load of the channel-pair is not lower than 4 ohms. Too low impedance cause high
temperature and will shut down the amplifier operation.
Always ensure the correct polarity of the speakers. The interchange of plus and minus cause total loss of bass playback and could
damage the speakers.
In the mono/subwoofer mode the X-OVER switch must set to the LP/BP position (Lowpass/Bandpass mode), thereby the higher
frequencies will be eliminated. The cut-off frequency ist adjustable with the LOW PASS controller and should be set between
60 to 100 Hz, depending on the size of the subwoofer.
In the lowpass mode (LP/BP) the HIGH PASS controller works also as subsonicfilter, that eliminates the ultra-low, not hearable and
harmful frequencies to generate a bandpass signal (Bandpass mode). The subsonic frequency should be set between 15 to 40 Hz,
depending on the size of the subwoofer. NOTE: If this value is higher than the lowpass setting, no sound is hearable.
• Turn the LEVEL INPUT controller of the amplifier to the 4V position.
• Turn the volume controller of the headunit to 80 - 90% of its full setting.
• Turn the LEVEL INPUT controller clockwise until you hear some distortion.
• Then turn back the LEVEL INPUT controller slightly until you hear a cleaner sound.
• The BASS BOOST controller adjusts the bass enhancement between 0db and +12dB.
• A too high bass boost may cause clipping/distortion and damage on the loudspeakers and also may harm your hearing abilities.
Use this controller carefully!
The enclosed BASS REMOTE Controller adjusts the bass-level e.g. from the driver’s seat.
Please use only this enclosed bass remote controller and cable.
Connect stereo RCA output
(L/R or SUB OUT)
of the headunit with
LINE INPUT L/R of the amplifier
4 – 8 Ohms
Switch position LP/BP
Connect the bass remote
controller and the
remote terminal on the amplifier
with the enclosed cable.

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