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Malfunction: no function
Reason: Remedy:
1. The power supply connection of the device is not correct. Recheck
2. The cabels have no mechanical or electrical contact. Recheck
3. The remote turn-on connection from the headunit to the amplifier is not correct. Recheck
4. Defective Fuses. In case of replacing the fuses, Observe by any means the correct fuse rating. Replace Fuses
Malfunction: no signal on loudspeakers, but power LED lights up
Reason: Remedy:
1. The connection of the speakers or the RCA audio cables is not correct.. Recheck
2. The speaker cables or the RCA audio cables are defective. Replace cables
3. The loudspeakers are defective. Replace speakers
4. High pass controller (Subsonic Mode) in LP/BP operation is adjusted to high. Turn down controller
5. No signal from headunit. Check headunit settings
Malfunction: one or more channels/controllers are without function / faulty stereo stage
Reason: Remedy:
1. The balance or fader controller of the headunit is not in the zero-position. Turn to zero-position
2. The connection of the speakers is not correct. Recheck
3. The loudspeakers are defective. Replace speakers
4. High pass controller in LP/BP operation is adjusted to high. Turn down controller
5. Twin Sub function is activated. Only the controllers of CH3/4 are working. Bring Twin Sub switch to OFF position
Malfunction: distortions on the loudspeaker’s signal
Reason: Remedy:
1. The loudspeakers are overloaded. Turn down the level
Turn down the level on the headunit
Switch off loudness on the headunit
Reset bass EQ on the headunit
Malfunction: No bass or stereo sound
Reason: Remedy:
1. Interchange of loudspeaker cable polarity positive (+) and negative (-). Reconnect
2. The RCA audio cables are loose or defective. Reconnect or replacing the cables
Malfunction: amplifier runs into protection mode (red protection LED lights up)
Reason: Remedy:
1. Short circuit on the loudspeakers or cables. Reconnect
2. Overheated by too low speaker impedance. Choose a higher impedance
Use a new speaker setup
3. Insufficient air circulation by a inappropriate mounting position of the amplifier. Change the mounting position
Ensure air circulation
4. Overloaded by insufficient power supply (too thin profile section on the power cables). Use a bigger profile section
Malfunction: hiss or white noise on the loudspeaker’s signal
Reason: Remedy:
1. The level controllers are turned up. Turn down the level
2. The treble controller on the headunit is turned up. Turn down the level on the headunit
3. The speaker cables or the RCA audio cables are defective. Replacing the cables
4. The hissing is caused by the headunit. Check the headunit

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