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If you are having problems after installation follow the Troubleshooting procedures below.
Procedure 1:
Check Amplifier for proper connections.
Verify that POWER LED is on. If POWER LED is on skip to Step 3, if not continue.
1. Check in-line fuse on +12V power supply cable. Replace if necessary.
2. Check fuses on amplifier. Replace if necessary.
3. Verify that Ground connection is connected to clean metal on the vehicle’s chassis. Repair/replace if necessary.
4. Verify there are 9 to 16 Volts present at the +12V power supply and the remote turn-on cable. Verify quality connections for both cables at amplifier,
stereo, and battery/fuseholder. Repair/replace if necessary.
Procedure 2:
1. If the PROTECT LED lits up, is a sign of a possible short in the speaker connections. Check for proper speaker connections and use an
ohm meter to check for possible shorts in the speaker wiring. Too low speaker impedance may also cause PROTECT LED to lit up.
This can also be a sign of driving the amplifier at very high power levels without adequate airflow around the amplifier. Shut off the system
and allow amplifier to cool. Check that the vehicle charging system is maintaining proper voltage.
If the previous items do not solve the problem, a fault may be in the amplifier.
Procedure 3:
Check Amplifier for audio output.
1. Verify good RCA input connections from the head unit to the amplifier. Check the entire length of cables for kinks, splices, etc.
Verify an audio signal at INPUT, use e.g. another audio source for testing. Repair/replace if necessary.
Procedure 4:
Check Amplifier for a popping noise while turning on.
1. Disconnect input signal to amplifier and turn amplifier on and off.
2. If the noise is eliminated, replace the head unit or repair it.
1. Use a different 12 Volt source for REMOTE lead of amplifier.
2. If the noise is eliminated, use a relay to isolate the amplifier from noisy turn-on output.
IMPORTANT: Never use the steady plus of the vehicle’s battery. Use rather the ignition circuit for the power supply.
Otherwise the vehicle’s battery may be discharged.
Procedure 5:
Check Amplifier if you experience excess Engine Noise.
1. Route all signal carrying wires (RCA, Speaker cables) away from power and ground wires.
2. Bypass any and all electrical components between the headunit and the amplifier(s). Connect stereo
directly to input of amplifier. If noise goes away the unit being bypassed is the cause of the noise.
3. Remove existing ground wires for all electrical components. Reground wires to different appropriate locations.
Verify that grounding location is clean, shiny metal free of paint, rust etc.
4. Add secondary ground cable from negative battery terminal to the chassis metal or engine block of vehicle.
5. Have alternator and battery load tested by your mechanic.Verify good working order of vehicle electrical system including distributor,
spark plugs, spark plug wires, voltage regulator etc.

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