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4 Channel Amplifier - Applications
GP1000.4 / GP1500.4
One 4 Channel Amplifier in 3 Channel Mode with
Stereo Front Speakers and Mono/Subwoofer
Interconnect cable checklist:
• Connect the head unit line outputs with good quality RCA to RCA cables to the INPUT
CH1&2 / CH3&4 of the amplifier.
• Connect the Front Speakers with the terminal block (SPEAKER OUTPUT / + CH1 - and +
CH2 -) of the amplifier.
• Connect the Subwoofer with the terminal block (SPEAKER OUTPUT / + BRIDGED - from
Channel 3&4) of the amplifier.
•The minimum final speaker impedance must not be below 2 Ohms Stereo and 4 Ohms
Mono. Too low speaker loads result in too high heat dissipation and may cause the amplifier
run into protection.
• Please observe speaker channel and polarity as printed by the speaker terminal block.
Incorrect phasing of the speakers results in total loss of bass response.
Be careful not to connect speaker (-) to the ground or vehicle chassis.
X-OVER SELECT (Front Speakers Channel 1&2)
If larger than 20 cm speakers are used, the FULL position is recommended.
For all smaller speakers (Ø8.7cm - Ø16cm) the Highpass-Position (HP) is recommended, which eliminates the lowest
frequencies and protects the speakers from damage. Set the crossover-frequency between 60Hz - 150Hz, depending of the
size of the installed speakers. The Highpass adjustment can be done with the FREQ - ADJUST control.
X-OVER SELECT (Subwoofer Channel 3&4)
In Mono/Subwoofer-Mode select the Lowpass-Position (LP), which eliminates the higher frequencies. The recommended
crossover frequency ranges between 60 - 100Hz, depending on the size and response of the Subwoofer. The Lowpass
adjustment can be done with the FREQ - ADJUST control.
• Turn the INPUT LEVEL controls on the amplifier to 5V position.
• Turn the head unit volume control to about 80-90% of its full setting.
• Turn the INPUT LEVEL controls clockwise until you hear some distortion.
• Then turn back the INPUT LEVEL controls slightly until you can hear clean sound.
BASS BOOST (CH1/2 & CH3/4)
• Turn the BASS BOOST control from the Front Speakers (Channel 1&2) into “0dB” - position.
• The BASS BOOST - Control from the Subwoofer (Channel 3&4) increases the bass level at 45 Hz max. +12dB.
Caution! Please use the Bass-Boost carefully. The additional boost may result in clipping or overload.
• The MODE SELECT - switch from CH1/CH2 must be in “4” - position and the MODE SELECT - switch from the CH3/CH4
must be in “MONO” - position.

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