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Crosley Radio, Inc. warrants the product to be free from defects in material and workmanship
under normal use for a period of one year from the original date of purchase. This warranty is not
transferable. If the product is determined to be defective during the warranty period, the unit will be
repaired or replaced at Crosley Radio’s sole discretion. This warranty covers manufacturing defects
and normal consumer use and does NOT cover damage or failure as a result of abuse, accident,
alterations, misuse, neglect, abnormal wear and tear, inadequate maintenance, commercial
or unreasonable use, damage caused by power surges, mishandling, accident, acts of God or
attempted repair by an unauthorized service agent. Also not covered are cosmetic damages, cords
and antennas.
Should this product fail to function in a satisfactory manner, it is best to first contact our technical
support team for assistance to ensure it is being operated properly.
CALL TOLL FREE: 1.888.CROSLEY (1.888.276.7539)
If it is indeed determined that the unit is no longer operational, please contact the retailer from
which it was purchased. In many cases, your retailer will be able to provide a replacement unit at no
charge within the scope of their return policy. If the retail return period has expired, please contact
Crosley Radio directly to participate in the one year
protection program.
CALL TOLL FREE: 1.800.926.7801
You will need to contact our offices M-F 8am-5pm EST to obtain an RA (Return Authorization)
Number. You will be instructed to send the unit (at your cost) to our offices in its original packaging
(or reasonable substitute to prevent damage.) You will need to clearly mark your RA number on the
outside packaging and include the original sales receipt (or a copy) indicating date of purchase,
amount paid, and place of purchase. You will also need to include your full name, shipping address
and daytime contact number. You will be instructed to include a check or money order for any
applicable return shipping and handling fees. A Crosley advisor will confirm the fees associated
with your product’s shipping size/weight. Returned products will not be shipped to PO Boxes.
Crosley Radio will not be responsible for delays or unprocessed claims resulting from a purchaser’s
failure to provide any or all of the necessary information.
There are no express warranties except as listed above.
The purchaser’s bill of sale is the only proof of warranty entitlement.
This warranty gives the purchaser specified legal rights in addition to any rights which may vary from
state to state.
In accordance with the “Moss-Magnuson Warranty Act” of July 10, 1975, this is termed a
“limited warranty” which in no way compromises Crosley Radio’s high standards of quality and

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