Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Edition 1
....................................................................................... - 1 -
Preliminary note.............................................................................. - 1 -
Important safety information............................................................ - 1 -
Features ......................................................................................... - 3 -
Scope of delivery ............................................................................ - 4 -
Chest belt........................................................................................ - 4 -
Setup .............................................................................................. - 6 -
Important notes on the operation of the wrist watch......................... - 7 -
Light................................................................................................ - 7 -
Time and basic settings ......................................................... - 8 -
Alarm .............................................................................................. - 9 -
Timer (max. 23:59:00)................................................................... - 10 -
Stop watch ............................................................................... - 11 -
Memory feature............................................................................. - 11 -
Heart rate measurement ...................................................... - 12 -
Warning light................................................................................. - 13 -
Timer ............................................................................................ - 13 -
Memory feature............................................................................. - 14 -
Target heart rate ........................................................................... - 14 -
Calories, fat burn and BMI............................................................. - 15 -
Fitness .......................................................................................... - 16 -
Coded transmission ...................................................................... - 17 -
Troubleshooting ............................................................................ - 17 -
Disposal........................................................................................ - 18 -
Replacement of battery................................................................. - 18 -
Battery low indicator...................................................................... - 18 -
Warranty ....................................................................................... - 19 -
Declaration of conformity............................................................... - 19 -
Water resistance........................................................................... - 19 -
Water resistance of the chest belt ................................................. - 20 -
Technical specifications ................................................................ - 20 -
............................................................................................... - 21 -
Forord ........................................................................................... - 21 -
Vigtige sikkerhedshenvisninger ..................................................... - 21 -
Funktioner..................................................................................... - 23 -
Medfølger ved køb ........................................................................ - 24 -
Brystsele....................................................................................... - 24 -
Ibrugtagning af uret....................................................................... - 26 -
Vigtige informationer vedrørende betjeningen af armbåndsuret..... - 27 -
Lys................................................................................................ - 27 -
Klokkeslæt og grundindstillinger....................................... - 28 -
Vækningsalarm............................................................................. - 29 -
Timer (max. 23:59:00)................................................................... - 30 -
Stoppur ...................................................................................... - 31 -
Hukommelsesfunktion................................................................... - 31 -
Pulsmåler .................................................................................. - 32 -
Advarselslys.................................................................................. - 33 -
Timer ............................................................................................ - 33 -
Hukommelsesfunktion................................................................... - 34 -
Målsætningspulsområde ............................................................... - 34 -
Kalorier, fedtforbrænding og BMI .................................................. - 35 -
Fitness .......................................................................................... - 36 -
Kodet transmission af hjertefrekvensen......................................... - 37 -
Fejlafhjælpning.............................................................................. - 37 -
Bortskaffelse ................................................................................. - 38 -
Udskiftning af armbåndsurets batteri............................................. - 38 -
Batteritilstandsadvarsel ................................................................. - 39 -
Garanti.......................................................................................... - 39 -
Overensstemmelsesattesten......................................................... - 39 -
Armbåndsurets vandtæthed .......................................................... - 40 -
Brystselens vandbestandighed...................................................... - 40 -
Technische Daten ......................................................................... - 40 -
- 1 -
Heart rate watch with chest belt
Preliminary note
Please read the instruction manual before using the product for the first
time- even if you are experienced at using electronic equipment. Please
take special care when reading the chapter "Important safety
information". Keep this instruction manual so you may use it a reference
material in the future. If you sell or give this product to someone else it
is very important to also include this manual.
Important safety information
ATTENTION: Consult your doctor before you
begin any training program. Your doctor can
help you choose the proper training intensity
and heart rate guidelines for your exercises.
This heart rate wrist watch is not a medical
device and should only be used as a guide for
your training.
Cleaning instructions
Clean the product with a soft, dry and lint-free cloth. A glasses cleaning
cloth is ideal.
- 2 -
- Batteries
Insert the batteries/ rechargeable batteries in the correct polarity. Don’t
try to recharge non-rechargeable batteries and under no circumstances
throw them into fire. Danger of explosion.
Do not use unequal batteries (old and new, Alkaline and carbon, etc.)
simultaneously. If you will not use the device for a long time, remove the
batteries and store the device in a dry and dust-free place. Improper
use of batteries may cause an explosion or leakage. If the batteries
have leaked, use gloves and clean the appliance thoroughly with a dry
- Electrical devices should not be in the hands of children
Never let children use electrical devices unsupervised. Children can’t
always recognize the possible dangers properly. Batteries/
rechargeable batteries can be life threatening when swallowed. Store
the batteries where they cannot be reached by small children. If a
battery is swallowed, medical aid must be sought immediately.
Also keep the packaging foils away from children. Danger of
Intended use
This electronic appliance is intended for time display and the described
additional features. Any other use or modification of the electronic
appliance does not comply with the intended uses. The manufacturer is
not liable for damages caused by improper use or misuse. The device is
not intended for commercial use.
- 3 -
Heart rate measurement
Alarm for maximum heart rate
Target heart rate training with timer and alarm
(Health, Fitness, Peformance and user defined)
Max. heart rate, min. heart rate and average heart rate
Warning light for high heart rate
Calorie features
Calories and fat burned during training
Fitness Level
Stop watch
1/100 seconds with 99 lap times
Countdown timer
Time features
Alarm with snooze
Hourly chime
Second time zone
Back light

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